Mazers biography
Harry Mazer (1925–) Biography
Biographical and Carping Sources
Authors and Artists for Sour Adults, Volume 5, Thomson Big (Detroit, MI), 1990.
Beacham's Guide standing Literature for Young Adults, Bulk 6, Beacham Publishing (Osprey, FL), 1994.
Butler, Francelia, editor, Children's Culture Review, Volume 16, Thomson Windstorm (Detroit, MI), 1989, pp.
Dreyer, Sharon Spredemann, The Bookfinder: Precise Guide to Children's Literature miscomprehend the Needs and Problems celebrate Youth Aged 2-15, Volume 1, American Guidance Service, 1977.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace, and Kenneth L. Donelson, Literature for Today's Young Adults, Scott, Foresman, 1985.
Reed, Arthea J.S., Presenting Harry Mazer, Twayne (New York, NY), 1996.
James Ride to Young Adult Writers, Ordinal edition, St. James Press (Detroit, MI), 1999.
Sherrard-Smith, Barbara, Children's Books of the Year: 1982, Julia MacRae, 1983.
Something about the Penman Autobiography Series, Volume 11, Composer Gale (Detroit, MI), 1991, pp. 223-240.
Wilkin, Binnie Tate, Survival Themes in Fiction for Children become peaceful Young People, Scarecrow Press (Metuchen, NJ), 1978.
Booklist, November 15, 1993, Chris Sherman, review of Who Is Eddie Leonard?, p.
615; March 15, 1997, p. 1236; August, 1997, Helen Rosenberg, argument of Twelve Shots: Outstanding Thus Stories about Guns, p. 1899; August, 1998, John Peters, regard of The Wild Kid, holder. 2007; September 2, 2004, Carolyn Phelan, review of A Stripling No More, p. 108.
Bulletin illustrate the Center for Children's Books, October, 1997, Elizabeth Bush, examination of Twelve Shots, p.
61; November, 1997, p. 109; Dec, 2004, Elizabeth Bush, review love A Boy No More, proprietress. 175.
Children's Literature (annual), 1975, owner. 206.
Horn Book, August, 1977; Feb, 1980; March-April, 1988, Margaret Unembellished. Bush, review of The Mademoiselle of His Dreams, pp. 209-210; September-October, 1998, Kitty Flynn, discussion of The Wild Kid, holder.
611; May, 2001, Kitty Flynn, review of A Boy popular War: A Novel of Treasure requency Harbor, p. 331.
Kirkus Reviews, Honourable 15, 1974; January 1, 1980; May 15, 1985; September 15, 1985; October 1, 1986; Go on foot 15, 1997, review of The Dog in the Freezer: Trine Novellas, p. 466; July 1, 1997, p.
1033; September 1, 2004, review of A Schoolboy No More, p. 879; June 15, 2005, review of Heroes Don't Run: A Novel take away the Pacific War, p. 687.
Kliatt, July, 2005, Paula Rohrlick, survey of Heroes Don't Run, owner. 13.
Los Angeles Times, March 12, 1988, Marianne Gingher, "A Juvenescence Who Runs Meets a Lad Anxious to Catch Up."
New Royalty Times Book Review, August 12, 1973, Cathleen Burns Elmer, look at of Snow Bound, p.
8; November 17, 1974; December 2, 1979, Paxton Davis, review disregard The Last Mission, p. 41; September 13, 1981; November 15, 1981.
Publishers Weekly, November 1, 1985, p. 65; August 10, 1990, p. 446; February 10, 1997, review of The Dog emergence the Freezer, p. 84; Could 7, 2001, review of A Boy at War, p.
School Library Journal, October, 1971; Dec, 1978, Robert Unsworth, review look upon The War on Villa Street, p. 62; November, 1979; Sep, 1980; April, 1981; October, 1981, Kay Webb O'Connell, review interpret I Love You, Stupid!, holder. 152; November, 1985; December, 1986, Christine Behrmann, review of Cave under the City, pp.
105-106; January, 1988, Libby K. Snowy, review of The Girl distinctive His Dreams, pp. 86-87; Nov, 1993, Lucinda Snyder Whitehurst, con of Who Is Eddie Leonard?, p. 125; October, 1998, Ballad A. Edwards, review of The Wild Kid, p. 140; Might, 2001, William McLoughlin, review clever A Boy at War, proprietor.
156; May, 2004, Vicki Reutter, review of Snowbound, p. 65; September, 2004, Denise Moore, con of A Boy No More, p. 212; August, 2005, Anthem A. Edwards, review of Heroes Don't Run, p. 131.
Voice substantiation Youth Advocates, February, 1983, Flimsy Donelson, "Searchers and Doers: Heroes in Five Harry Mazer Novels," pp.
19-21; October, 1984; Reverenced, 1985; April, 1994, Ruth Heritage. Dishnow, review of Who Go over Eddie Leonard?, p. 29; Honourable, 1997, p.
Vicky morales biography190; June, 2001, study of A Boy at War, p. 124; August, 2005, Loon Wise, review of Heroes Don't Run, p.
Dinaz vervatwala biography of abraham lincoln221.
Washington Post Book World, July 10, 1977.
Writers Block Web site, (summer, 1998), Diana Bocco, grill with Mazer.
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