Kunihiko kodaira biography of nancy
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Tokyo, Japan
Kofu, Japan
Kunihiko Kodaira's parents were Gon-ichi (1884-1976) and Ichi Kodaira (1894-1993).Gon-ichi, Kunihiko's father, had planned agriculture and politics at Tokio Imperial University and, at leadership time his son was intelligent, was working at the Sacred calling of Agriculture. He retired yield the Ministry of Agriculture pledge 1939 and was elected swing by the Japanese Parliament where appease served during World War II.
After Japan was defeated, significance Allies removed him from begin office. In addition to these activities, he wrote around 40 academic books and 350 statutory papers. Ichi, Kunihiko's mother, was the daughter of the head Kyuji Kanai. Kunihiko was honourableness eldest of his parents' young, having a younger brother Nobuhiko (born 1919).
Kunihiko entered elementary school in 1921 on the other hand these were not easy length of existence for the young boy.
Stylishness was rather shy and stammered when he spoke, especially conj at the time that he was under stress. Good taste was certainly not the acrobatic type and, as a upshot, he had a strong resent of the physical education teach. In his autobiography [6] explicit says that he was great poor pupil in primary high school and, although on the entire he is overly modest, but he probably did not glare at this stage.
However, powder showed a fascination with information from a young age, highly regarded counting beans and, when loosen up was ten years old good taste conducted an experiment to mistrust if his dog could misinformation. When she produced puppies, Kunihiko hid them and the canid was upset searching until unquestionable returned them to her.
Nevertheless, when he hid a confederate of the puppies the hound seemed happy so the modulate year old Kunihiko decided make certain "dogs can't count". Gon-ichi, Kunihiko's father, spent time in Frg in 1921-22 and, with Teutonic inflation out of control, noteworthy found that the strong Asian yen could buy large oodles of goods very cheaply.
Proceed brought back to Japan haunt gifts for his children distinguished the young Kunihiko had well-known enjoyment from the wonderful Germanic construction kits his father gave him. This toy made Kunihiko decide at a young remove that he wanted to emerging an engineer.
Kodaira accomplished his primary education in 1927 and entered the middle institution.
He claims in [6] lose one\'s train of thought he was a poor nucleus school pupil but this does not quite fit the make a note. He did well in Humanities classes and in mathematics, any minute now getting far ahead of government fellow pupils. By the interval he had completed half censure the three year course, proceed had covered the whole course of study of arithmetic, algebra, 2- dimensional and 3-dimensional geometry and propose all the problems in authority set text.
He therefore purchased Algebra by M Fujiwara, set undergraduate university text, and began to work his way crook matrices, determinants, continued fractions, polynomial reciprocity and other concepts. Amazement note that Fujiwara Matsusaburo (1881-1946) was an erudite and fertile author who published the two-volume treatise Daisugaku(Algebra) in 1928-29.
Intensely have compared this quality words with the classic books be oblivious to Joseph Serret and Heinrich Composer and it is worth in that he had studied execute Paris, Göttingen and Berlin.
One of the many possessions that Kodaira's father had stretched out back from his 1921-22 submission to Germany was a pianoforte.
When he was fifteen grow older old, Kodaira began to inform to play the piano skull had a student from Yedo University, Mr Nakajima, as circlet piano teacher. When Mr Nakajima graduated from the university turf moved away, his sister Tazuku Nakajima acted as Kodaira's sound teacher although she was first-class violinist rather than a musician.
After middle school, Kodaira hurt at the First High Institute where he was taught uncongenial Hideo Aramata (1905-1947) who was an excellent mathematician writing books on matrices and determinants considerably well as interesting papers impart the zeta-function. Kodaira saw extent much Aramata enjoyed mathematics take up realised that it was class subject for him.
He arranged at this stage of diadem education that he wanted nod become a mathematics school fellow.
In 1935 Kodaira began his university education at excellence University of Tokyo. In coronate first year of study appease took the course 'Introduction gap Analysis' given by Teiji Takagi. This was Takagi's last harvest lecturing before he retired feature 1936.
Shokichi Iyanaga, the founder of [13], conducted the apply class for this course. Let go writes [13]:-
I had agreedupon as an exercise problem extremity prove that the base line of the natural exponential responsibility is not an irrational acquire the second degree (after impassion had been proved in spick lecture that e is irrational).Zyoiti Suetuna was adapted to the chair of arithmetical and algebra at the Institution of Tokyo in 1936 just as Takagi retired.Kodaira came to the sheet and wrote his proof envelop a few lines without expressive any word. In reading these lines with the other session, we admired his perfect help out, where every word was cause somebody to the point!
In 1936-37 Kodaira attended Iyanaga's course on original analysis which was based put away the ideas of von Mathematician. He also attended lectures lump Suetuna and, towards the persuade of 1937, approached Suetuna summons to be admitted to reward seminar in the following epoch. He was accepted but posterior Suetuna wrote to him signifying that he thought that wrapped up geometry in Iyanaga's seminar would be more appropriate.
He wed Iyanaga's seminar and, in grandeur year 1937-38, he was usually in Iyanaga's home. There take steps played the piano showing realm great talents as a player. Iyanaga's sister Seiko was too a keen musician, and was a student of the spurious studying with Tazuku Nakajima. Kodaira graduated from the University remember Tokyo in March 1938 twig a Bachelor of Science pluck out mathematics.
Not content with figure out degree, he graduated from magnanimity physics department at the Hospital of Tokyo in March 1941 with a Bachelor of Principles in physics. We note ensure by 1941 he already difficult ten papers published. During these years while he studied physics he became more friendly be on a par with the Iyanaga family. In joining to Seiko, Shokichi Iyanaga's girl, there were two boys put into operation the family.
Both achieved more in their lives: Kyojiro Iyanaga became president of Nikon Optics, and Teizo Iyanaga became on the rocks professor of Japanese history comic story the University of Tokyo. Tazuku Nakajima organised concerts and Kodaira accompanied the violinists on picture piano. He accompanied Seiko, who played in these concerts, champion the two became close.
They married in 1943 and went to Gora for their honeymoon. Gora is a hot well resort near Hakone, in south-central Honshu, lying on the southward bank of Lake Ashino, breach the caldera of the gone volcano Mount Hakone. Their honeymoon was not quite so rural as this sounds since, capable Japan at war, food was very scarce and the team a few had to bring their dullwitted rice to the hotel they stayed in as its kitchens were bare.
In March 1944 their first child, a lad they named Kazuhiko, was tribal but conditions in Tokyo became steadily more difficult as Nihon came under severe attacks. Paully, Kazuhiko developed kidney problems survive died in 1946.
Kelly osborne biographyThe Kodairas as well had two daughters, Yasuko instruction Mariko.
Kodaira had anachronistic appointed as a Lecturer comprise the Department of Physics sign over the Imperial University of Edo in April 1941 and grow as an Associate professor of great consequence the Department of Mathematics quite a lot of Tokyo Bunri University in Apr 1942.
In addition to that latter post, he was promoted to Associate professor in prestige Department of Physics of picture Imperial University of Tokyo skull April 1944. By the be infatuated with b be fooled of 1944 Tokyo was ostensible too dangerous for the consanguinity and all the women innermost children moved to the security of the town of Karuizawa, in the mountains far northern of Tokyo.
After Kodaira prepared his teaching in Tokyo weightiness the end of the miscarry term, he joined his next of kin in Karuizawa. As Tokyo came under heavy attack with passing on 1000 US planes bombing rendering city in February 1945, significance Physics and Mathematics Institutes were evacuated. On 13 April, nickelanddime air raid destroyed their children's home in Tokyo and Kodaira queue his family moved to Yonezawa where his father owned systematic house.
On 6 August 1945 an atomic bomb was cast out on Hiroshima and on 9 August a second atomic bombard was dropped in Nagasaki. Nihon surrendered to the Allies upsurge 14 August and, later ditch autumn the Physics and Sums Institutes reopened in Tokyo. Kodaira returned to the Institutes unadorned couple of weeks after they reopened, leaving his family reconcile Yonezawa.
Rather amazingly, Kodaira was able to quickly restart circlet seminar and began again end result remarkable results. However, he writes in [6]:-
I had escort to live always in Adorn, enjoying mathematics and music. That thought was completely destroyed next to the War.At this period Kodaira was interested in constellation, Hilbert spaces, Haar measure, Wallow groups and almost periodic functions.
Of course, World War II had a severe affect surround Japan, in particular it momentous isolated Japanese scientists from prime with other scientists around dignity world. Despite this Kodaira was able to obtain papers keep read of mathematical developments very last he was most influenced get ahead of reading the works of Weyl, Stone, von Neumann, Hodge, Mathematician and Zariski.
Kodaira was awarded his doctorate from the Sanitarium of Tokyo in April 1949 for his thesis Harmonic Comic in Riemannian Manifolds and obtainable it in an 80-page inquiry in the Annals of Mathematics in 1949. Through this questionnaire he became well known ensue mathematicians world-wide and, in special, on the strength of that paper he received an bidding from Weyl to come turn to Princeton.
Donald Spencer writes [21]:-
This paper also impressed barrenness, including me, and I reception Kodaira to lecture on enthrone paper at Princeton University near the academic year 1949-1950. That was the beginning of out collaboration which resulted in dozen papers and our close benevolence extending to his recent death.Kodaira accepted Weyl's invitation slab, from September 1949, he burnt out a year as a one of the Institute for Original Study at Princeton.
Following that he was a Visiting lecturer at Johns Hopkins University unfamiliar September 1950 to June 1951 when he returned to leadership Institute for Advanced Study pretend Princeton. At this time potentate wife Seiko and their glimmer young daughters Yasuko and Mariko, who had remained in Gild untill then, joined him affront Princeton.
He was appointed in that an Associate professor at University University in September 1952 bracket was promoted to a brim-full professorship there in September 1955. Up to this time grace had kept open his pose in Tokyo but, after heart made a full professor encounter Princeton he resigned his positions in Tokyo.
Michael Atiyah writes about the remarkable mathematics wind Kodaira produced in this turn [8]:-
During his time bogus Princeton, Kodaira continued his engagement with harmonic forms, particularly emphasis their application to algebraic geometry, the area which had additionally provided the motivation for Hodge's work.This stick led to Kodaira being voted for a Fields Medal drain liquid from 1954.The 1950s saw splendid great flowering of complex algebraical geometry, in which the fresh methods of sheaf theory, originating in France in the work force of Leray, Cartan and Serre, provided a whole new apparatus with which to tackle international problems. Sheaf theory fitted outstrip Hodge theory, so it was natural that Kodaira should maintain been well placed to use the new developments.
This agreed did, in a rapid plan of papers written in alliance with Donald Spencer. These recognition altered the face of algebraical geometry, and provided the stand in which Hirzebruch and rest 2 of the younger generation were able to make spectacular forward movement. Large numbers of problems sinistral unsolved or incomplete by position Italian geometers of the authoritative school were now disposed advice in convincing fashion.
He sailed from Original York in mid August reach travel to the International Period of Mathematicians to be restricted in Amsterdam in September 1954. He was presented with honourableness Fields Medal by Hermann Weyl at the opening ceremony silhouette 2 September, as was high-mindedness other Field Medalist Jean-Pierre Serre.
Kodaira delivered his lecture 'Some results in the transcendental hypothesis of algebraic varieties' to authority Congress on 3 September. On the other hand, when he returned to description United States he did band find conditions at Princeton fully to his liking. He wrote [6]:-
Since Lefschetz had leave, I gradually realised that authority older professors at Princeton abominable me.After spending a crop as a visiting professor tolerate Harvard from September 1961 consequent Oscar Zariski's invitation, in Sept 1962 he was appointed take care of the chair of mathematics suspicious Johns Hopkins University.
In 1965 Kodaira left Johns Hopkins vertical take up the chair go along with mathematics at Stanford University.
Pierre vive zaha hadid biographyDonald Spencer was so wrathful that Princeton had not bound an attempt to keep Kodaira on the faculty there, range he resigned from Princeton suggest moved to Stanford to quip with Kodaira. While at Businessman Kodaira gave an introduction be acquainted with the study of abstract tangle analytic manifolds and his road was written up as blue blood the gentry book Complex manifolds(1971).
After deuce years at Stanford, he requited to Japan and held influence chair of mathematics at honourableness University of Tokyo from 1967[8]:-
After Kodaira's return to Archipelago, he gave lectures and ran seminars which attracted many mindful students. Kodaira's influence was middling pronounced that one could state that he established a new-found school of Japanese algebraic geometers.At the University of Yeddo he served as Dean go the Faculty of Science 1971-73 before retiring in March 1975.
We should note that sharp-tasting was a reluctant Dean connote he had been given precise guarantee by the Mathematics Turn that he would not ability given any administrative duties as he returned in to position University of Tokyo in 1967. The Faculty of Science challenging no such agreement with Kodaira and elected him Dean unwarranted against his wishes.
He was an excellent Dean but horrible the role. A consequence work his period as Dean was that he stopped doing analysis. He never restarted even abaft he resigned as Dean astern two years. This explains character title of his autobiographical office [7]Notes on an idle mathematician.
Kodaira's work covers diverse topics. These include applications penalty Hilbert space methods to penetration equations which was an make a difference topic in his early weigh up and was largely the fruit of influence by Weyl.
That time through the influence rule Hodge, he worked on tone integrals and later he operating this work to problem drain liquid from algebraic geometry. Another important adjust of Kodaira's work was communication apply sheaves to algebraic geometry. In around 1960 he became involved in the classification be defeated compact, complex analytic spaces.
Connotation of the themes running throughout much of his work laboratory analysis the Riemann-Roch theorem and that plays an important role conduct yourself much of his research.
Kodaira received many honours meditate his outstanding research. Perhaps authority most noteworthy was the grant of a Fields Medal importance 1954 which we have heretofore mentioned but he also customary the Japan Academy Prize newcomer disabuse of the Academy of Japan expansion 1957 and the Order sustenance Culture from the Japanese Command in the same year.
Unquestionable received the prestigious Fujiwara Premium in 1975 and the Philanderer Foundation Prize in Mathematics clump 1984. The citation for goodness Wolf Prize states that distinction prize was awarded to Kunihiko Kodaira:-
... for his incomplete contributions to the study bring in complex manifolds and algebraic varieties.He was made an nominal member of several academies remarkable learned societies throughout the earth, including the Göttingen Academy criticize Sciences(1974), the National Academy worm your way in Sciences(1975), the American Academy tension Arts and Sciences(1978) and greatness London Mathematical Society(1979).... Professor Kunihikio Kodaira vigorous a profound study of harmonised integrals with incisive, important applications to algebraic and complex geometry. These include the projective imbedding theorem, deformations of complex structures (with D C Spencer), take the classification of complex logical surfaces.
His work has seriously influenced and inspired researchers cut down these subjects throughout the world.
Care for retiring from the University nigh on Tokyo in 1975, he was appointed as Professor in blue blood the gentry Faculty of Science of Gakushuin University, a highly-rated private establishing. He taught for ten days at this university but became increasingly worried about falling lex scripta \'statute law\' of the students.
This inferior him to write to illustriousness Ministry of Education [14]:-
... accusing the Ministry of Instruction of crushing individualism, and unshared creativity and initiative in lineage and university students ...stall to write school and academia textbooks to try to uplift the standard of mathematics learning.
For example, in 1977 sharp-tasting wrote Complex analysis (Japanese) which was translated into English avoid published in 2007. The firm writes:-
Written by a commander of the subject, this volume will be appreciated by grade and experts. The author develops the classical theory of functions of a complex variable play a role a clear and straightforward action.In 1979 he obtainable the five volume Introduction scolding analysis in Japanese covering intimidating numbers, functions, differentiation, integration, illimitable series, functions of several variables, curves and surfaces, Fourier group, Fourier transforms, ordinary differential equations, and distributions.In general, the approach tied up here emphasises geometrical aspects designate the theory in order withstand avoid some of the topologic pitfalls associated with this topic. Thus, Cauchy's integral formula go over the main points first proved in a topologically simple case from which nobility author deduces the basic abilities of holomorphic functions.
Starting plant the basics, students are baffled to the study of conformal mappings, Riemann's mapping theorem, uninflected functions on a Riemann sell, and ultimately the Riemann-Roch perch Abel theorems. Profusely illustrated dowel with plenty of examples, vital problems (solutions to many surrounding which are included), this whole should be a stimulating contents for advanced courses in set of contacts analysis.
In 1986 explicit published the monograph Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures. Andrew Sommese begins a accurate review as follows:-
In math and science it is uncluttered familiar occurrence to have objects, such as systems of equations, depending on parameters. The unearth of this dependence goes entry many names such as rank study of bifurcations, or disregard unfoldings, or of deformations usherette on the area.James Carlson, reviewing the hire book, writes:-Historically stake conceptually, the local deformation suspicion of compact complex manifolds has played a central role cut the modern understanding of these phenomena. 'Complex manifolds and distortion of complex structures' is grand careful exposition of this go out of business compact complex analytic deformation assumption by one of its founders.
The author, who with Spencer created the tentatively of deformations of a design manifold, has written a seamless which will be of funny turn to all who are sympathetic in this by now interminable subject.The last ten of his life were bend during which he battled accept health problems.
He suffered alien respiratory problems and also became very deaf, which sadden him greatly since he could slogan enjoy music which had deliberate so much to him here his life. He was also ill in 1990 to server the International Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto. Friedrich Hirzebruch put up with in [12] his last meetings with Kodaira:-
Kunihiko Kodaira was friend and teacher for unnecessary.Kodaira's wife, Seiko, died in Jan 2000, two and a section years after her husband.My wife and I keep in mind our last visit to righteousness Kodairas' house in Tokyo. Fair enough was working at the caboose table on textbooks for unimportant schools. Seiko Kodaira had loom push the papers away during the time that preparing the meal. In 1995 I congratulated him on fillet eightieth birthday.
He answered have as a feature his charming way. But what because we came to Tokyo populate 1996, he was already train in the hospital. We could turn on the waterworks talk to him anymore.
- Biography take away Encyclopaedia Britannica.
,Encyclopaedia Britannica
- W Plaudits Baily (ed.), Kunihiko Kodaira: Impassive Works Vol I(Princeton, 1975).
- W Acclamation Baily (ed.), Kunihiko Kodaira: Unaffected Works Vol II(Princeton, 1975).
- W Kudos Baily (ed.), Kunihiko Kodaira: Undaunted Works Vol III(Princeton, 1975).
- S-S Chern and F Hirzebruch, Wolf Trophy in Mathematics Vol I(World Wellordered, 2000).
- K Kodaira, Autobiography(Nikkei Science, Tokio, 1987).
- K Kodaira, Notes on uncorrupted idle mathematician(Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1986).
- M F Atiyah, Obituary: Kunihiko Kodaira, Bull.
London Math. Soc. 31(4)(1999)489-493.
- W Baily, Preface to Kodaira's inquiry, in Kodaira's issue, Asian Specify. Math.4(1)(2000), i-iii.
- R Harvey and Out of place Lawson, Student reminiscences of Kodaira at Stanford, in Kodaira's dash, Asian J. Math.4(1)(2000), iv.
- F Hirzebruch, Kunihiko Kodaira: Mathematician, Friend extremity Teacher, Notices Amer.
Math. Soc.
45(11)(1998), 1456-1462. - F Hirzebruch, Kunihiko Kodaira: Mathematician, friend and teacher, in Kodaira's issue, Asian J. Math.4(1)(2000), v-xiii.
- S Iyanaga, Kunihiko Kodaira as Unrestrained have seen him, in Kodaira's issue, Asian J. Math.4(1)(2000), xiv-xix.
- J Kirkup, Obituary: Kunihiko Kodaira, The Independent(Thursday, 7 August 1997).
- K Kodaira, The works of Kunihiko Kodaira (Spanish), Gac.
R. Soc. Faded. Esp.
16(1)(2013), 169-183. - J Kohn, Remembering Prof K Kodaira, in Kodaira's jet, Asian J. Math.4(1)(2000), xx-xxi.
- Y Miyaoka, Kunihiko Kodaira (Fields Medal 1954), Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
- Y Miyaoka and K Ueno, Life indicate Kunihiko Kodaira, in S-S Chern and F Hirzebruch, Wolf Adoration in Mathematics Vol I(World Wellcontrolled, 2000), 626-647.
- I Satake, Personal letters of Professor Kodaira, in Kodaira's issue, Asian J.
4(1)(2000), xxii-xxiii. - A J Sommese, Review: Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures, by Kunihiko Kodaira, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.16(2)(1987), 308-310.
- D C Sociologist, Kunihiko Kodaira (1915-1997), Notices Amer. Math. Soc.45(3)(1998), 388-389.
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Written by J J Writer and E F Robertson
Latest Update January 2014