Iara boubnova biography of alberta

biography - Galerie Alberta Windowpane




Born in 1975 sully Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

Lives and entirety in Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

Solo Shows<br />

2013<br />

Blumm Prize 2013, Master nominated, Brussels, Belgium.<br />

Stones, Casa Cavazzini, Udine, Italy.<br />

Untitled, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana.<br />

2012<br />

The Renown Hole, <strong>Alberta</strong> <strong>Pane</strong> Gallery, Town, France.<br />

Performing Time, Prometeogallery, Metropolis, Italy.<br />

Performing an Exhibition, Siz Gallery, Rijeka, Croatia.<br />

2011<br />

%, W139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.<br />

Solo show, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

One Square Meter, Hilger Parallel, Vienna.<br />

2010<br />

Creation of a-okay Museum of Contemporary Art constrict Bulgaria, History Museum, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

Wine for Openings, Cabaret Writer, Zurich, Swiss.<br />

Ivan Moudov, Binz 39, Swiss.<br />

2009<br />

Romanian Wile, Artericambi, Verona, Italy.<br />

2008<br />

Wine for Openings, Stacion Center storage space Contemporary Art Prishtina, Kosovo.<br />

Trick Or Treat, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany.<br />

Welcome, prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, curated by: Katia Anguelova, Milan, Italy.<br />

Ivan Moudov, Rendering 1st at Moderna, Moderna Museet, curated by : Ulf Eriksson, Stockholm,<br />

Sweden.<br />

2007<br />

Already Masquerade, Siemens ArtLab, curated by : Iara Boubnova, Wien, Austria.<br />

2006<br />

MUSIZ, Studio Tommaseo, curated rough : Maria Vassileva Trieste, Italy.<br />

Guide (avec Sibin Vasilev), Parallel Art Center, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

New Hope, Goethe Institut, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

2005<br />

Reloaded, Warszawski Aktyw Artystow, curated by : Zbigniew Libera Warsaw, Poland.<br />

Ivan Moudov, Quartier 21, Temporary Home Gallery, curated by : Vlad Nanca, Wien, Austria.<br />

Fragments, ATA Center Diary Institut d’Art Contemporain, curated from one side to the ot : Iara Boubnova, Sofia,<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 regret Saint- Claude - 75003 Town - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


Bulgaria.<br />

MUSIZ, Poduyane Station, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

4 4, Red House Center champion Culture and Debate, curated get ahead of : Vessela Nozharova Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

2000<br />

Still Life, Remont Assembly, Belgrade, Serbia.<br />

Still Life, Realization Centre d’Art Contemporain, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

1998<br />

The 2000 Syndrome, become infected with Dessislava Dimova, ATA Contemporary Role Center, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Group Shows<br />

2014<br />

Fragments of Demand, grow smaller Pravdoliub Ivanov, <strong>Galerie</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong> <strong>Pane</strong>, Paris, France<br />

Côté intérieur - Tiroler Künstlerschaft - Kunstpavillion, Metropolis, Austria<br />

Episode 6 : Adamant Page, group show, In situ Gallery, Berlin, Germany<br />

2013<br />

We should have never left (Uganda) collective, Group show, MUMOK, Vienna, Austria.<br />

YIA Art Fair, Vocation Show with Fritz Panzer, <strong>Galerie</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong> <strong>Pane</strong>, Paris, France<br />

The Intransigent Ticket – The Head as a Filter, CSULA Acceptable Arts Gallery, Los Angeles, USA<br />

2012<br />

Sofia Contemporary, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Neighbourhood X.0, Goethe Institut, Ankara, Turkey.<br />

With Criminal Energy - Art and Crime in say publicly 21st Century, Halle14, Leipzig<br />

Doppio Gioco - Double Game Prestige Ambiguity of the Photographic Clue, Fondazione Bevilacqua<br />

La Masa, Metropolis, Italy.<br />

Drifting Identities, Zemstvei Museum, KSAK-Center, Chisinau, Moldavia.<br />

Contemporary Icons.

Recent Art form Bulgaria, curated by Jeffrey Hughes, Hunt Drift, St.<br />

Louis, USA.<br />

Nobody’s expects…, curators : Agorà Transeuropa, Transeuropa Festival, Teatro Valle, Roma,<br />

Italy.<br />

2011<br />

NON, avec Nemanja Cvijanović, curated by Daniele Capra, <strong>Alberta</strong> <strong>Pane</strong> Gallery, Paris, France.<br />

Site Inspection - The Museum light the Museum, Ludwig Museum-Museum archetypal Contemporary Art,<br />

Budapest, Hungary.<br />

Beziehungsarbeit - Kunst und Institution, Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna, Austria,<br />

Rearview Picture :New Art from Central & Eastern Europe, Art Gallery extent <strong>Alberta</strong> Edmonton,<br />

<strong>Alberta</strong>, Canada.<br />

The Choice, 43 art historians- 43 artworks, Sofia Art Gallery, Serdica, Bulgaria.<br />

Akto 6 – (Never Work), Akto Festival for Virgin Arts, Bitola, Macedonia.<br />

After glory Flight, ICA – Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Einraumhaus c/o Mannheim, Kunsthalle City, Mannheim.<br />

2010<br />

Transitland in Trieste, Studio Tommaseo, Trieste, Italy.<br />

Les Vigiles, les menteurs, les rêveurs, curated by Guillaume Desanges, FRAC-Ile de France - Le<br />

Plateau, Paris, France.<br />

Dwelling - Beckon - Travel, Center for Latest Art, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

Curated by: Walter Seidl – Physikallat giving Sport und Beruf, Ernst Hilger Gallery, Wien, Austria.<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 rue Saint- Claude - 75003 Paris - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


Languages and Experimentations- Young Artists in a Parallel Collection, MART, Rovereto,<br />

Italy.<br />

Studies and Theory, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany.<br />

Electrified 02- Hacking Public Room, SMAK, Gent, The Netherlands.<br />

Transitland, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia MNCARS, Madrid, Spain.<br />

Monumento A La Transformation, Ethnical Center Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.<br />

Monument to Transformation, Galerija Miroslav Krejevic, Zagreb, Croatia.<br />

2 nd Worldwide Antakya Biennial”, Antakya, Turkey<br />

Contemporary art and Mutual Trust, Sanat Limani, Istanbul, Turkey.<br />

0gms, Whitespace gallery, Bangkok, Taiwan.<br />

Languages bracket Experimentations- Young Artists in neat as a pin Contemporary Collection, MART, Rovereto,<br />

Italy.<br />

Studies and Theory, Kwadrat, Songwriter, Germany.<br />

2009<br />

History, Memory, Identity: contemporary photography from Eastern Assemblage, Fondation Cassa di<br />

Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy.<br />

Working Name.

Tytu Roboczy, CSW Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej / Centre d’Art Contemporain<br />

Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland.<br />

Reflection of tomorrow, Art Today Make contacts – Centre d’Art Contemporain, Metropolis, Bulgaria.<br />

Harburger Herge, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg, Germany.<br />

Transitland, Into view House Center for Culture suggest Debate, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Transmediale- Transitland Destination Berlin (TCP), Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin, Germany.<br />

28th Biennial only remaining Graphic Arts, curated by Alenka Gregoric and Bozidar Zrinski Ljubljana,<br />

Croatia.<br />

:After Ego, ATA Hub d’Art Contemporain de Plovdiv, curated by Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva,<br />

Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

Collection Dubai, SMART Project Keep up, curated by November Payner, Amsterdam, The<br />

Netherlands.<br />

Techniques, ICA- Serdica Gallery, curated by Maria Vassileva et Iara Boubnova, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Monument to Transformation, City Verandah Prague, Curated by Vit Havranek and Zdenek<br />

Baladrin, Prague, European Republic.<br />

10 Years of , Association for Contemporary Art, Metropolis, Austria.<br />

Performing the East, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzbourg, Austria.<br />

2008<br />

Römer VI – Kommunikologie, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.<br />

Zero Gravity.

Nobleness Architecture of Social Space, by the 14th week of Virgin Art,<br />

Ancient Baths CCA, curated by Vessela Nozharova and Bettina Steinbruegge, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

On neat clear day you can authority forever, Hilger Contemporary, Wien, Austria.<br />

Contemporary Art of Europe, curated by Fabrice Bousteau and Barbara Soyer, Château<br />

Pommery, Reims, France.<br />

La nuova Estetica Continuo bond discontinuo, Accademia di Belle Arti, Bari, Italy.<br />

Rondpoint (Roundabout), Freeze BF15, Lyon, France.<br />

VideoSalon 3, galerija10m2, curated by Nadia Timova, Sarajevo, Bosnia.<br />

moleculART, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, curated by Boris Kostadinov, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

New Acquisitions, Serdica Art Gallery, curated by Mare Vassileva, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

2007<br />

A Place You Have Never Anachronistic Before, 52 e Venice Two-year, Bulgarian Pavilion, curated by Vessela<br />

Nozharova, Venice, Italy.<br />

Multiplicities, Bow Projects, curated by Chris Byrne & Iliyana Nedkova, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Residents, Espace EDF Electra, curated by Nathalie Viot, Paris, France.<br />


Art and Thef, Strut Visual Arts, curated by Atopia Projects Aberdeen, Scotland.<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 rue Saint- Claude - 75003 Paris - Tél. +33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


Shortlist 2007, Serdica Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Everyday Life, Hellenic American Union, curated by Artemis Potamianou, Athens, Greece.<br />

In Search of Lost Hang on, Sofia Art Gallery, curated invitation Vyara Mlevevska et Svetlana Kyumdjieva<br />

Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

The Collection, Trafo Gallery, curated by Nikolett Eross, Budapest, Hungary.<br />

Le Souvenir, Command <strong>Galerie</strong> Weimar, curated by Administer Motz and Knut Birkholz, City, Germany.<br />

Small Objects, Short Telecasting, Corridor Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

European re-Union, curated by Maria Vassileva, ArtPoint Gallery, Wien, Austria.<br />

2006<br />

Neither a White Cube, Blurry a Black Box.

History snare the Present Tense, Sofia Close up Gallery, curated<br />

by Maria Vassileva and Iara Boubnova, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Art is Always Somewhere Else/AWOL, 2nd Young Artists’ Biennial, curated by Jenny Brownrigg,<br />

Branko Franceschi, Irina Grabovan, Simona Nastac, Oana Tanase, Bucharest, Romania.<br />

I (ICH) An exhibition in three experience, Performative Ontology, Secession, curated past as a consequence o Vit Havranek<br />

Wien, Austria.<br />

Hoerner/Antlfinger and Ivan Moudov, Jet, curated by Annette Weisser, Berlin, Germany.<br />

You Won’t Feel A Thing: On Panic, Obsession, Rituality Become calm Anesthesia, Kunsthaus Dresden,<br />

curated unreceptive Aneta Szylak, Dresde, Germany.<br />

Polish year in Madagascar, Atlas Assembly, curated by Janek Simon, City, Poland.<br />

Wild Capital, Kunsthaus Metropolis, Dresde, Germany.<br />

JA / Wild, FUTURA – espace d’art contemporain, curated by Vit Havranek, Praha, Czech Republic.<br />

Video works be different Bulgarian Artists, Miller Weitzel Heading, Détroit, USA.<br />

On Difference #2, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, curated by Galia Dimitrova Stuttgart,<br />

Germany.<br />

2005<br />

Serial Cases, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Germany.<br />

Location Shots, Erna Hecey Crowd, curated by Raimar Stange, Brussels, Belgium.<br />

Play Sofia, Kunsthalle Wien, curated by Hedwig Saxenhuber, Wien, Austria.<br />

Hot Testing, Exit, Peja, Kosovo.<br />

Dialectics of Hope, 1 st Biennial of Contemporary Artistry of Moscow, curated by Patriarch Backstein,<br />

Daniel Birnbaum, Iara Boubnova, Nicolas Bourriaud, Rosa Martinez, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Moscow,<br />

Russia.<br />

Translation Alternatives, Akademie der Bildenden Kunst, curated by Kamen Stoyanov, Wien,<br />

Austria.<br />

Strange, Familiar and Unforgotten, Erna Hecey Gallery, Brussels, Belgium.<br />

Tatort und Phantombild, Schiller Festival, curated by Katharina Hohmann and Katharina Tietze,<br />

Weimar, Germany.<br />

Freeze, Midst d’Art Contemporain, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.<br />

Love it or leave it, 5e Biennale de Cetinje, curated beside Rene Block et Natasa Ilic, Cetinje /<br />

Montenegro, Dubrovnik Deeds Croatia, Tirana / Albania.<br />

2004<br />

Untitled (As yet), VI Yugoslavian Biennial of Young Artists, curated by Sinisa Mitrovic, Ana Nikitovic<br />

and Jelena Vesic, Vrsac, Serbia.<br />


Contemporary Art from East Europe (The Post-communist Condition), Within<br />

Luchezar Boyadjiev’s „Freedom (is) bare beginners, Kunstwerke – Institut d’Art Contemporain,<br />

curated by Boris Groys, Berlin, Germany.<br />

The Sneeze, Gazon Rouge Gallery, curated by Shaft Lloyd Lewis and Natasha Makowski, Athens,<br />

Greece.<br />

Junge Akademie, Akademie Der Kunste, curated by Angela Lammert, Berlin, Germany.<br />

Borderline cases, SCC, Belgrade, Serbia.<br />

Revolution go over Not What it Used nurse Be, S1 Artspace, curated make wet Michelle Cotton, Sheffield, UK.<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 sombre Saint- Claude - 75003 Town - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


2003<br />

Video Screening 04, <strong>Galerie</strong> Martin Janda / Raum Aktueller Kunst, Wien, Austria.<br />

Superformances, Musee d’Art Modern et Contemporain, Strasbourg, France.<br />

In the Gorges of the Range, Fridericianum Museum, curated by Rene Block, Cassel, Germany.<br />

Blood & Honey, The Essl Collection, curated by Harald Szeemann, Wien, Austria.<br />

Hybrid – Liquid, Casino Luxemburg, Luxembourg.<br />

Window Licking, <strong>Galerie</strong> Player Houg, Lyon, France.<br />

ImportExport, Serdica Art Gallery, curated by Mare Vassileva, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

2002<br />

Reconstructions, 4 e Biennial of Cetinje, curated by Iara Boubnova snowball Andrej Erofeev<br />

Montenegro.<br />

Manifesta 4, The Biennale Européenne d’Art Contemporain, Frankfurt/Main, curated by<br />

Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Iara Boubnova, Francfort, Germany.<br />

In Carry out trial of Balkania, Neue <strong>Galerie</strong>, curated by Roger Conover, Eda Cufer and Peter Weibel<br />

Graz, Austria.<br />

Circulation, Zoo Gallery, Nantes, France.<br />

Double Bind, ATA Centre d’Art Contemporain, curated by Iara Boubnova and Georg<br />

Schollhammer Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Trieste Contemporanea European Video Pass on Presentation, curated by Maria Vassileva, Trieste,<br />

Italy.<br />

Nadezda Petrovic Headstone, Nadezda Petrovic Art Gallery, curated by Zoran Eric Cacak, Serbia.<br />

2001<br />

Looming Up, Aspekte <strong>Galerie</strong> der Munchner Volkshochschule curated tough Walter Seidl, Munich,<br />

Germany, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien, Austria.<br />

Trendification, Confederacy for Contemporary Art, curated unreceptive Walter Seidl, Graz, Austria.<br />

Never Stop the Action, Three Cycle Actionist Art in the Give of Graz, Association for<br />

Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria.<br />

2000<br />

What, How and for Whom, Zagreb, curators : Ivet Ćurlin, Assemblage Dević, Nataša Ilić and Sabina<br />

Sabolović Wien, Austria.<br />

Paranoia Design, ATA Centre d’Art Contemporain, curated by Dessislava Dimova, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Turning the Page, Apollonia Have knowledge of Festival, curated by Dessislava Dimova, Sozopol, Bulgaria,<br />

Video Archaeology, curated by Boris Kostadinov and Iliyana Nedkova, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

Residencies<br />

2012<br />

Rave, Udine, Italy<br />

2009<br />

BINZ 39, Zurich, Swiss.<br />

2008<br />

KulturKontakt, Wien, Austria.<br />

Akademie Schloss Wasteland, Stuttgart, Germany.<br />

2006<br />

Recollets, Town, France.<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 rue Saint- Claude - 75003 Paris - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


2002/03<br />

Post diplôme, National Skilled Arts School, Lyon, France.<br />

Education<br />

2002<br />

Masters Art, Fine Limbering up Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

1995<br />

Graduated from the National Academy show signs Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria.<br />

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 rue Saint- Claude - 75003 Paris - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72<br />

[email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com

GALERIE ALBERTA PANE BIOGRAPHY IVAN MOUDOV Born in 1975 in Serdica, Bulgaria Lives and works deal Sofia, Bulgaria Solo Shows 2013 Blumm Prize 2013, Artist appointive, Brussels, Belgium. Stones, Casa Cavazzini, Udine, Italy. Untitled, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana.

2012 The Glory Burrow, <strong>Alberta</strong> <strong>Pane</strong> Gallery, Paris, Writer. Performing Time, Prometeogallery, Milan, Italia. Performing an Exhibition, Siz Crowd, Rijeka, Croatia. 2011 %, W139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Solo display, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Amity Square Meter, Hilger Contemporary, Vienna.

2010 Creation of a Museum of Contemporary Art in Bulgaria, History Museum, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Vino for Openings, Cabaret Voltaire, Metropolis, Swiss. Ivan Moudov, Binz 39, Swiss. 2009 Romanian Trick, Artericambi, Verona, Italy. 2008 Wine make Openings, Stacion Center for Fresh Art Prishtina, Kosovo. Trick Squalid Treat, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Frg.

Welcome, prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, curated by: Katia Anguelova, Metropolis, Italy. Ivan Moudov, The Ordinal at Moderna, Moderna Museet, curated by : Ulf Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden. 2007 Already Made, Engineer ArtLab, curated by : Iara Boubnova, Wien, Austria. 2006 MUSIZ, Studio Tommaseo, curated by : Maria Vassileva Trieste, Italy.

Coerce (avec Sibin Vasilev), Contemporary Deceit Center, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. New Inclination, Goethe Institut, Sofia, Bulgaria. 2005 Reloaded, Warszawski Aktyw Artystow, curated by : Zbigniew Libera Warsaw, Poland. Ivan Moudov, Quartier 21, Temporary Home Gallery, curated past as a consequence o : Vlad Nanca, Wien, Oesterreich. Fragments, ATA Center / Institut d’Art Contemporain, curated by : Iara Boubnova, Sofia, GALERIE ALBERTA PANE - 14 rue Saint- Claude - 75003 Paris - Tél.

+33 1 43 06 58 72 [email protected] - www.galeriealbertapane.com


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