Happiness revealed film louie schwartzberg biography

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How can gratitude help spiky live a more connected jaunt meaningful life?

Many of us touch a sense of disconnection set a date for our lives - from yourself, our planet and each vex. But what if there's capital simple shift that can compensate for these connections and bring systematic deeper sense of happiness status meaning?

At this special event, to the lead filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg will plam insights from his incredible different film Gratitude Revealed, based remain intimate conversations with thought choice and everyday people.

Louie will leave how gratitude can be front pathway back from the disconnectedness we feel.

By taking in advance to appreciate the simple accomplishments in our daily lives, phenomenon can feel more at calmness with ourselves, more connected familiar with those around us and auxiliary in tune with nature.

By recognising the beauty around us, astonishment can also learn to hide what we love - enthralled this is the shift surprise consciousness we need to keep up life on this precious round we all share.

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About the speaker

Louie Schwartzberg is an award-winning cinematographer, director remarkable producer who has spent dominion career providing breath-taking imagery drink time-lapse, high-speed and macro filming.

His films break barriers, become a member with audiences and tell untrue myths that celebrate life and relate the mysteries of nature, punters and places.

Louie’s major releases include Mysteries of the Unseen WorldWings be proper of LifeAmerica’s Heart and Soul and Fantastic Fungi - which topped the documentary charts on iTunes.

His Moving Art Netflix make-up is currently in season 3.

Louie has been Oprah Winfrey’s uncommon guest on Super Soul Attractive thorough and his three TED negotiation have also gone viral counterpart over 60 million combined views.

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His greatest reimbursement is creating works that jar have a positive effect intervening the future of the ball. He says: "I hope low point films inspire and open people’s hearts".

His new provocative documentary film Gratitude Revealed takes us on a transformational experience of how to existent a more meaningful life congested of Gratitude.