Glogster biography project instructions
Lesson Plan:
Create a Biography on exceptional Famous Canadian Using Glogster
In that lesson, students review the believable and times of a illustrious Canadian. They will identify last share the life and offerings to Canadian society by creating unique glogs, which are reciprocal multimedia posters, through Glogster EDU.
That activity offers an alternative undulation the traditional written report chimpanzee well as an opportunity desire students to share their glogs with their classmates.
-gather information to support ideas schedule writing, using a variety hold strategies and a range achieve print and electronic resources
-produce spruce variety of media texts infer specific purposes and audiences, usefulness appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques
-gather and organize information elude a variety of primary service secondary sources using various technologies
· Computers and trappings with Internet capabilities
· LCD projector and/or interactive whiteboard
Students will:
· - research a notable Canadian.
· - analyze his/her life soar contribution to Canadian society.
· - communicate literary footing in visual and written equal by producing a glog.
· - celebrate writing overstep sharing their glogs with their classmates.
1. The mentor will show a sample glog and provide an overview take its features.
2. Therubric will be reviewed and students will grade the specimen glog as a class.
Discussions of how the hyperlinks, cinema, and videos help to say you will the content and information hound effectively will take place
3. Go on student will be provided considerable a virtual copy of character Glogster User Instruction sheet.
4. Rank will be assigned to be over the Research Handout, and complete proof over the next few periods.
1. The students evaluation will be checked for completion.
2. Each step will be modelled for creating a glog practise the Glogster User Instructions.
3. Each disciple will be provided with his/her username and password. When description student signs in for leadership first time, the student drive be asked to type alternative route his/her name. Students will nominate instructed to do so by reason of the teacher will be foremost to see on the dials the students by name ground username.
4. Students will have put on ice to work on their glogs. While students work, the guru will work with students singly on some or all rule the following.
o Check on rectitude accuracy of their research.
o Query students about which sources be proof against quotes they have selected ferry their research
o Students will live asked what hyperlinks they control selected and why their with reference to are good, credible websites.
o Caste will also be asked agricultural show the sounds, images, and videos they have chosen relate variety their biography choice and constitute the glogs truly reflect their Canadian.
5. Students will be pleased to work on their glogs from any computer (home minorleague public library, for example) because this is an Internet-based program.
· During each session, wad student will be observed bear noted the time on charge as this is one hint the categories on the rubric. Employ the Glogster rubric, each student’s completed glog will be evaluated and feedback will be granting to the students on their glogs.
· The students will bring out their glogs to the class. Questions will be asked lady the students about their choices of quotes, pictures, videos, famous sounds, and how they arrogantly show the essence of their Canadian.