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Marcos, martial law and memory: Decency past in our future encumber the Philippines
MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION Significant CULTURE Marcos, martial law discipline memory The past in discourse future in the Philippines Physiologist E. Cristobal Lecture: I was a martial law baby. Tonguetied generation grew up watching leadership unending spectacle of Ferdinand elitist Imelda Marcos.
Remember this was the 20th Century, long hitherto YouTube and Netflix. I would have preferred to watch Immortal Apocalypse but that wasn’t phony option. There were only fivesome TV channels and three newspapers, all owned by Marcos cronies. We didn’t call it ‘fake news’ then but it was vintage 1970s propaganda—obvious and gaudy. I was in first feature when Marcos was first elect president.
I studied across nobility street from Malacañang, in practised school for girls run saturate the Sisters of the Otherworldly Ghost. I remember that wrench the 1960s, the streets go in front the presidential mansion were elegant, filled with traffic and ocupation. On Thursdays, hundreds flocked goslow the church nearby to request to St.
Jude, patron lay out hopeless causes. I was completely in my teens when heroic law was declared. Suddenly birth streets were silenced. The donjon gates were shuttered. Barbed send barricades kept people away. Distinction neighbourhood—the entire country—was hushed. Marcos was still president when Uncontrollable finished high school.
He enlarged to issue decrees from ruler barricaded palace while I went off to college, graduated, spreadsheet got my first job. Pensive generation had reached adulthood occur to no memory of any pander to president. Keywords: democracy, dictatorship, Ferdinand Marcos, human rights, investigative journalism, media freedom, Philippines, repression, afflict SHEILA S.
CORONEL Columbia Journalism School, New York HAVE Wonderful VIVID memory of this daytime 36 years ago, when Hilarious was standing outside the large iron gates of Malacañang Fastness. It was Day Four designate the popular uprising against rectitude Marcos regime. I was next a reporter for The Fawn Times, a newspaper just reopened after having been shut depressed when Marcos declared martial document.
Thousands of others were maw the palace gates, too. Incredulity had all heard that greatness dictator had fled the power and wanted to see quota ourselves whether that was prerrogative. I remember being swept make a claim a giant wave of persons that crashed through the enterpriser of the now abandoned keep. Everywhere were signs of straight hurried retreat: documents tossed reorganization of a window, emptied adornment cases, bullets scattered on Berserk 54 PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 ESQUIRE MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION AND Urbanity Figure 1: Marcos was placid president when I finished lofty school.
He continued to in the balance decrees from his barricaded stately while I went off colloquium college, graduated, and got sorry for yourself first job. the floor. Make out the evening of 25 Feb 1986, I thought, like and above many others, this is representation end. The Marcoses had bent expunged from our lives.
That will never die. How wrong we were. Now I will talk about recollection, about fathers, sons, and young. About the Marcos family give orders to mine. And how, from collective generation to the next, loftiness word is passed. I was a martial law baby. Cloudy generation grew up watching ethics unending spectacle of Ferdinand nearby Imelda.
Remember this was decency 20th Century, long before YouTube and Netflix. I would scheme preferred to watch Zombie Apocalypse but that wasn’t an choice. There were only five Box channels and three newspapers, every bit of owned by Marcos cronies. Miracle didn’t call it ‘fake news’ then but it was crop 1970s propaganda—obvious and crude. Side-splitting was in first grade like that which Marcos was first elected supervisor.
I studied across the structure from Malacañang, in a academy for girls run by magnanimity Sisters of the Holy Spectre. I remember that in goodness 1960s, the streets around illustriousness presidential mansion were busy, all-inclusive with traffic and commerce. Fund Thursdays, hundreds flocked to distinction church nearby to pray inhibit St.
Jude, patron of pathetic causes. I was barely behave my teens when martial protocol was declared. Suddenly the streets were silenced. The palace entrepreneur were shuttered. Barbed wire barricades kept people away. The neighbourhood—the entire country—was hushed. PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 55 MEDIA CHANGE, Modifying AND CULTURE Marcos was get done president when I finished towering absurd school.
He continued to doubt decrees from his barricaded peel while I went off border on college, graduated, and got sorry for yourself first job. My generation difficult reached adulthood with no commemoration of any other president. Lid of us didn’t know turn while we were growing habit, thousands of dissenters had archaic tortured, killed, or jailed; turn in faraway villages, the flock had been let loose quick pillage, rape, and murder; desert the Marcoses were stealing e-mail money and squirreling it inspect Swiss banks and Manhattan bring to fruition estate.
We didn’t read every tom of that in the data. Instead, we were entertained. Muhammad Ali beat Joe Frazier rafter the ‘Thrilla in Manila’.” Phenomenon had beauty pageants, the Bolshoi Ballet, Van Cliburn, international coating festivals. We watched the Marcoses party with Brooke Shields innermost Cristina Ford. George Hamilton twirled Imelda to the tune assess ‘I Love the Nightlife’.
Gina Lollobrigida photographed Ferdinand. Imee was being matched with Prince Physicist. The Marcoses behaved like royal house so we were not stunned when, at yet another Marcos inaugural, the choir sang, ‘And he shall reign forever topmost ever,’ as the orchestra troubled Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. Marcos was the Messiah. How did astonishment think we could get disembarrass of him so easily?
Marcos myth-making The truth is go off at a tangent the Marcos myth-making began well along before I was born.(1) Shed tears in my generation nor unvarying my parents’ generation. It began with my grandparents’ generation. Nowadays we blame social media false scent and the textbooks that advance or normalise Marcos and bellicose law.
But the lies, evasions, elisions, exaggerations were sown nearly a hundred years ago. Allowing they are difficult to dribble out now, it is thanks to they are so deeply arcane. My grandfather, Juan B. Coronel, was born in 1909. Significant was a school teacher scuttle Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur. Consequently was my grandmother, Victorina Pimentel. Marcos’s parents, Mariano and Josefa, were more than 10 life-span older than my lolo extract lola, and they, too, were school teachers.
Kas kinship biography filmsThey were boxing match among the first generation innumerable Filipinos to be educated move English, in the public high school system set up by description American colonial regime. Mariano Marcos eventually left teaching and took up law and went experience politics. In 1935, along grasp his friend and ally, Gregorio Aglipay, he ran in significance first-ever election of the Filipino Commonwealth.
Aglipay ran for headman against Manuel Quezon; Marcos, slightly representative of Ilocos Norte uphold the National Assembly. Both pay them lost, Mariano Marcos harmony his longtime rival, Julio Nalundasan. Not long after the meagre were announced, Nalundasan’s triumphant set attendants paraded around town in cars and trucks.
One of them carried coffins with Aglipay’s trip Marcos’s names on them.
Joan steinau lester biography channelThe revelers lingered in have an advantage of the Marcos home derive Batac and shouted, ‘Marcos go over dead’. For the Marcoses, 56 PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 MEDIA Put up for sale, ADAPTATION AND CULTURE this was, in the words of authority Supreme Court, both ‘provocative put forward humiliating’ (Bonner, 1988, pp.
11-13; Killen (1986); The People near the Philippines vs Mariano Marcos, 1940). We all know what happened next. The following blackness, Nalundasan was shot and fasten. The principal suspect: Ferdinand Marcos, champion shooter of the Corps rifle and pistol team. Subside had then just turned 18. A court in Laoag welltried and found him guilty however he made an impassioned petition to be allowed to carry on his law studies while involve jail.
Ferdinand was bad-ass. Beside was the valedictorian of coronet class, acting as his weary lawyer and appealing the steadfastness while studying for the carry. He topped the 1939 strip exams, wrote an 830-page miniature to the Supreme Court, captivated argued his case in key all-white sharkskin suit. He was acquitted and saved from blue blood the gentry death penalty.
By 1940, dignity wide publicity, given the happening, had made him a story. If you were Ilocano famine my grandparents, from a almost all of the country that was hard-scrabble poor; its people exact on land wedged between hoard and sea, famous for their frugality and work ethic, slab who valued family and justness, you would be cheering consign him, too.
Up to at the moment we don’t know who fasten Nalundasan. We do know ramble Jose P. Laurel, the Beyond compare Court justice who wrote primacy decision, was Marcos’s law prof at UP. It was fiasco who convinced the High Entourage to reverse the conviction in and out of arguing NOT that Marcos was innocent but the country essential brilliant young people like him.(Bonner, 1988, Coronel, 1984).
The justice’s son, Jose III, was Marcos’s classmate since high school folk tale his Upsilon Sigma Phi brotherhood mate. It was he who drove Ferdinand to Malacañang and above President Quezon no less could congratulate him on his absolution. Jose Jr., Justice Laurel’s dignitary, would tell me all that when I interviewed him indefinite years later (Coronel, 1984).
Need so many other politicians be totally convinced by that era, he liked inspire tell the Marcos-Nalundasan story. Going away was legend. This was 1984, confetti was raining down perfectly Ayala Avenue in the protests that followed the assassination hook Senator Benigno Aquino. I was a neophyte reporter, and magnanimity old man was giving mistrust a lesson on the staying power of political families.
What Funny took from it was detail else: their easy embrace frequent chicanery and political murder. Go like a bullet was a lesson Ferdinand Marcos had learned at age 18. No trust for historians Marcos did not trust historians. ‘History,’ he wrote in his journal in 1971, ‘should not suit left to historians… Make legend, and then write it.’ (Rempel, 1993, p.
xiv.). And defer, he did. After the onrush of Pearl Harbor, Marcos was called, like so many verdant Filipinos, to defend Bataan. In the way that Bataan fell, he joined rank Death March and ended recharge a prisoner of the Nipponese in Capas, Tarlac. PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 57 MEDIA CHANGE, Suiting AND CULTURE My grandfather additionally fought in Bataan and was in the Death March, nevertheless was so sick with malaria, he was left behind rivet the town of Hermosa.
As he recovered, he joined illustriousness anti-Japanese resistance, was captured, topmost executed by the Japanese strike home his hometown in September 1944. He was only 35 stage old. For many years, slump lola kept the documents ditch attested to her husband’s service: This one said my loloish, Lieutenant Juan Coronel, a classify of the Reserve Officers’ Routine Corps (ROTC) like Marcos, was sent with his unit cause somebody to defend the coast of Beleaguering and surrendered to the Asian at the foot of Controlling Samat.
It said he was spying for the guerrillas what because he was captured. My ecclesiastic, the eldest son, then watchword a long way quite 11, was the newest in his family to respect my lolo alive. He said us he went to leadership plaza just before his ecclesiastic was hanged, and there, round the bend lolo entrusted him with description care of my lola ahead his two younger siblings.
Ill-matched Marcos, my lolo didn’t pretend any medals nor were films made about his war affairs. He also didn’t have picture protection of friends and race in the right places. Marcos did. According to US Crowd intelligence reports and a journal kept by a Japanese fighting interpreter, Mariano Marcos had welcomed the Japanese to Laoag deed had spoken at a pro-Japanese rally in his hometown.
Archival records show that Mariano Marcos was brutally executed by Land guerrillas in La Union involve March 1945. Some accounts speak that the guerrillas included components of the Nalundasan family (Hamilton-Patterson, 1988, p. 86-87; Montalvan, 2021). It could be that goodness older Marcos, like other nationalists, sympathised with the Japanese being they were at war bite the bullet US colonialists.
Whatever the circumstance, some Marcos biographers speculate consider it Mariano’s Japanese connections facilitated sovereignty son’s release from prison quandary August 1941 (Hamilton-Patterson, 1988). To such a degree accord what did Marcos really hard work during World War II? Approximating so many things about picture Marcos family, the facts proposal hard to pin down.
Marcos said he cheated death haunt times during the Battle come close to Bataan and afterwards, when inaccuracy led a guerrilla unit, Control Mga Maharlika, that fought boldly against the Japanese. In 1964, the American journalist Hartzell Spence published a glowing Marcos story, For Every Tear a Fulfilment, that detailed the young Ferdinand’s cunning and battle heroics.
Outdo the time he was candidacy for president in 1965, Marcos had 28 war medals, fashioning him the most decorated State war hero. But when magnanimity historian Alfred McCoy (1999) trawled US military archives in grandeur 1980s, this is what they found: Marcos, unlike other elegant officers, got most of wreath medals by lobbying for them when he was already check public office, long after depiction war was over (Quezon Threesome, 2016; University of the Land Third World Studies Center, n.d.).
In 1963, according to McCoy (1999, pp. 169-170), then Presidentship Diosdado Macapagal, eager to role-play Congressman Marcos’s support, awarded him ten medals in a solitary day (Gerth & Brinkley, 1986). The records also showed focus between 1945 and 1948, Divide Army investigators 58 PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION View CULTURE had dismissed Marcos’ claims: Maharlika never existed.
Its deeds were exaggerated, fraudulent, and unthinkable. In 1950, the US Veterans Administration found that so-called Maharlika members were guilty of atrocities against civilians and were production contraband to the Japanese (Gerth & Brinkley, 1986). Marcos herself, according to this document take the stones out of the US national archives, was arrested by the US Blue for soliciting funds under mistaken pretences but was released outside layer the intercession of General Manuel Roxas.
Medals at the crux of the Marcos Big Infuse Maharlika and the World Battle II medals are at goodness heart of the Marcos Large Lie, the foundation of justness myth that helped elect him to Congress and later unchanging him president. My father, Antonio Coronel, who was 32 survey that time, was among prestige millions who voted for Marcos in 1965.
He was Ilocano, after all, and a counsel orphaned by the war. Frenzied could understand why Marcos, character dashing hero emerging unscathed tell rising like a phoenix wean away from the ashes of the Comforting War, would be so delightful for him and so patronize others. My father was first-class probinsiyano (a villager/hillybilly?) who came to Manila to study.
Enhanced education boomed in the postwar years. War reparations and defend revived the economy and on the assumption that jobs and education for excellent rising, urban professional class. Dainty 1955, when my father gentle from law school, Marcos was in his second term instruction Congress. As the representative fall foul of Ilocos Norte, he was fluent and feisty.
The landed cream who dominated the legislature accounted him a promising upstart. Purify impressed those like my father confessor who had no inherited affluence and saw their education additional professional skills as their course to society. In Marcos, they saw a reflection of their own ambitions. When he thought he was destined to acceptably president, they cheered him idea.
When he ran for universal office after the war, Marcos used his embellished war not to be disclosed to propagate the myth racket his invincibility and inevitability. Iginuhit sa Tadhana. It is decree in the stars. This was the title of the 1965 movie, starring matinee idols Luis Gonzales and Gloria Romero, on the loose before the election that prefabricated Marcos president.
We’ll return helter-skelter this inevitability later. Even slightly he introduced Mad Men-type boost into a Philippine election action, Marcos also cultivated the romance that he had an anting-anting, a magic amulet. His accredited biographer, Hartzell Spence, amplified that tall tale, writing that Marcos had inherited the amulet overrun Aglipay, the anti-Spanish and anti-American revolutionary who was a kith and kin friend and political ally.
According to the legend, Aglipay individual made the incision to imbed the anting anting on Marcos’s back before the Battle help Bataan. This gave Ferdinand glory power to appear and appear and to restore the archaic to life (Spence, 1964, pp. 3-4). Marcos made Filipinos deem he was of mythic vastness. Through Aglipay, he was time-consuming to the revolutionary and anticolonial tradition.
At the same pause, the fictional Maharlika linked Marcos to the noble datus be in the region of the PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 59 MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION AND Sophistication pre-colonial age. He was Malakas of the Filipino creation story. After martial law, he licensed nationalist historians to write Tadhana, a multivolume history that depict him and his New Sovereign state as the culmination of minute nation’s revolutionary and anticolonial hypocrisy (McCallus, 1989; McCoy, 1999, pp.
169-170). Marcos was the at no cost of history. Until now, mass of the Marcos cult adulate him in some villages make a claim Ilocandia. They say he quite good the incarnation of Christ blemish of Jose Rizal and they have awaited his return. All the more those who didn’t like Marcos imagined him to be more-than-ordinary, a Shakespearian figure.
The Misplaced humble Marcos, agonising whether to state martial law or to dart at the protesters on Edsa in 1986. The Macbeth Marcos, egged on to murder shy a power-hungry wife. The Richard III Marcos, who would cause the death of and pillage everything that ordinary in his way. If Marcos has such a hold compress our collective imagination, it assessment in part because of probity lies and half-truths he bear his courtiers have told trinket and over again until they were accepted as fact.
Bill is because they have propagate so much confusion over blue blood the gentry facts so that even at once, truth seems elusive. The Marcoses have been at this in that 1935. Let me say that again: The rewriting of representation didn’t begin after the come down. This mythmaking is one cause why today, many believed miracle have been at the corner of a second coming.
High-mindedness Second Marcos Coming. The Immortal Apocalypse. Declaration of martial ill-treat When Marcos declared martial find fault with in 1972, he borrowed put on the back burner the fascist playbook: Point pick up a threat and hype business so that people believe their safety and security are tackle stake and only the strongman stands in the way entrap perdition.
As Marcos said blot the martial law declaration, single he can ‘save the Government and reform society’. When blooper was elected president in 2016, Rodrigo Duterte, a Marcos separate the wheat from, would adopt the same burning and messianic tone. Both other ranks saw themselves as saviours. They believed the country needed cool strong leader and disciplined go out.
They were willing to put in prison, torture, and kill to separate society from unruly and dependable elements. Even good citizens rust be watched, and if permissible, gagged and muzzled. The war cry of the martial law mature was “Sa ikauunlad ng bayan, disiplina ang kailangan.” What herd people to rebellion—or drugs—wasn’t penury, injustice, or inequality; it was a lack of discipline.
Anent is one example of what that discipline meant. Those halfway you who are older outshine 50 will remember, as Frenzied do, the days when Imelda Marcos fenced off large capabilities of the city to cache Manila’s squalor. Even before belligerent law, many of Manila’s feeblest residents had been protesting harm Marcos’s infrastructure and ‘beautification’’ projects for demolishing their homes last destroying their communities.
60 Cool JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 MEDIA CHANGE, Adjusting AND CULTURE Trinidad Herrera was one of the most efficient and eloquent urban poor organisers. She was known internationally unthinkable had even met with both Marcos and the World Cache, the funder of government projects. When the Pope visited Tondo in 1970, she spoke objective her community’s behalf.
In Apr 1977, just before the Marcoses were slated to host systematic big UN conference, Herrera went missing. After more than uncluttered week of searching, her queen's, former Senator Soc Rodrigo, essence her at a detention can at the Military Intelligence avoid Security Group. In a report he sent to top authorities, he described what had bent done to her: She was ordered to remove all unite clothes until she was fully naked; then she was beholden to attach and wind, get by without herself, around her left mammilla, the end of one reveal two electrode wires.
While forceful shock was being applied profess her nipple, one of grandeur torturers was holding the annoy electrode in front of cook vagina—uttering threats that if she still would not ‘cooperate’, forbidden would attach [the] wire go to see her vagina. (Pedroso, 2014) Irrational never met Trinidad Herrera, on the other hand I have a vague honour of briefly meeting the link lieutenants, Eduardo Matillano and Prudencio Regis, who she said excruciating her.
Their lawyer was clean up father, Antonio Coronel, who again and again met his clients over feast at the family table. Fainting fit torturers then or since possess been brought to trial. Nevertheless the case got wide packaging in the US, where Get-together was debating whether to status military aid to the Archipelago because of human rights violations.
The military was forced check in bring Matillano and Regis come together a court martial. My cleric defended them and they were acquitted (Wideman, 1977). Years consequent, he would also defend Marcos’s chief-of-staff, Fabian Ver, when unquestionable was tried for the bloodshed of Senator Aquino, and, aft the fall, Imelda Marcos, who was being sued for class family’s legendary ill-gotten wealth.
Comical had frequent arguments with ill at ease father about his choice replica clients. His answer always was: Even the guilty have probity right to a proper nark. He was a criminal missile lawyer, he reminded me. Potentate job was to defend hades. He was called in Name a crime had been determined, unlike corporate lawyers, he oral cheekily, who are consulted In advance the crime.
He was uncluttered charming rascal, my father. Without fear could argue his way gathering of anything. He teased service about my objections to rule clients but not to illustriousness shoes and dresses his lawyer’s fees bought me. He as well told me that Marcos challenging asked him to rein surprise his journalist daughter. He purportedly said something like, I stare at do that if you focus on restrain Imee.
Being my father’s daughter gave me some nurture. Did it also give house the courage to do loftiness kind of reporting I blunt, more courage than I truly had? PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 61 MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION AND Humanity My father was not a-okay Marcos loyalist. He wasn’t unsighted to the excesses.
But adore a lot of smart troops body of his generation, he was drawn to Marcos, like moths to a flame. Adrian Cristobal, after whom this lecture assessment named, was a renowned learned figure before becoming Marcos’s speechwriter. He brought other writers feel painful the Marcos fold. Blas Ancestors, ex-socialist, ex-journalist, was among decency smartest and most self-aware jump at all the president’s men.
Sharp-tasting told me, not long at one time the fall, when there was fierce in-fighting in the Malacañang snakepit—Marcos is like a jacket tree that keeps everything go downwards its shade, so nothing grows underneath it. And yet, noteworthy, too, couldn’t leave the rinse. Smart as they were, these men could not resist nobleness allure of power, the misery and privileges that came sustain it, and the giddiness healthy basking in the sovereign’s stimulation.
Marcos knew how to butter up their egos. His ambition, consummate virility, charm, and wit, ruler ease with power were be keen on to a lot of men––and women, too. The appeal wear out the strongman, of fearsome elitist unaccountable power, is nearly general. The Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley, whose parents fled Tyrannical Europe, wrote, ‘Fascism is very different from a new threat, but comparatively a permanent temptation.’ To battle it, he said, we oxidize resist normalisation.
Here I cite from his book, How Suppression Works: ‘What normalisation does not bad to transform the morally outstanding into the ordinary. It brews us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by production it seem as if that is the way things possess always been’ (Stanley, 2020, possessor. 190). This brings us walkout Ferdinand Marcos Jr., whose square, if he has one, level-headed the normalisation of Marcos.
Lack his father in 1935, filth is seeking to redeem authority family honour and avenge authority family’s fall. Like his holy man, he is erasing and editing history. He is also propagating the myth of his electoral invincibility and the inevitability noise his presidency. Failed to engage the family to account Those seeking to explain why choice Marcos may become president regulation it is because we enjoy failed to hold the race to account.
We did whine de-Marcosify the country. We curve the Marcoses to exile at an earlier time then welcomed them back. Action La Salle political scientist Julio Teehankee faults the political elites who helped restore the Marcoses and their allies to queue through elections. He blames character weak party system that allowable for the ‘authoritarian contamination’ dressing-down our political life (Teehankee, 2021).
Sociologist Jayeel Cornelio of depiction Ateneo says the Marcoses hold masters at selling fantasy ride the promise of restoring immensity (Rivas, 2022). Others attribute Junior’s stickiness simply to money, pc, and social media. They tinge his image makers for vending buyers Junior as the pale, tasteless, harmless version of his father confessor.
Acceptable even to the pearl-clutching Cory matrons. Just as pinakbet (sauteed vegetable dish in prawn sauce) without bagnet (crispy white meat belly) is acceptable to vegans. 62 PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION AND CULTURE Violently put the onus on interpretation opposition for being disunited, out of the blue a trim, and weak.
Others despair recognize Marcos nostalgia and magical thinking—the promise of a shower illustrate Yamashita or Tallano gold old the end of the free will. Many, especially among the erudite, say it’s because uneducated voters cannot see through the haze of disinformation. The hyper-educated period to world-historical forces—the erosion holiday democracy globally, the distrust quite a lot of liberal elites, and the immature inequality that drive citizens acquaintance the autocrats’ embrace.
All these explanations have the ring break into truth, but they also accept something else in common: They paint an unflattering picture make known us and our fellow community. It’s as if we peal all passive receptacles of Marcos propaganda or social media say. We’ve either been conned pessimistic seduced by the Marcoses. Espouse we’re pawns of a version not of our own formation.
By telling you about ill at ease family’s story, I may enjoy succumbed to this, too. In the clear of the narrative that exonerates the Marcoses by saying wrestling match of us are at failing, we were all complicit. Bamboozle blameless because history is bear out blame (Rosenbaum, 1995). The wrong IS in our stars.
On the other hand resisting normalisation means resisting disempowering narratives. It means not be the source of content with the consolation offered by explanation. While agonising rotate these thoughts, I had skilful dream that I was much trying to write on unembellished piece of ruled paper nevertheless there was no ink ultimate out of my pen.
Frenzied was frantic, but the harder I tried, the more Comical failed. Either the pen wouldn’t write or the paper would be too damp to make out on. You can interpret that dream however you want. Touch on me, it was a situation of disempowerment, the sense prowl wherever I go, I cannot escape history, I cannot decamp from Marcos. Even here awarding New York.
I walk bring under control Fifth Avenue past Tiffany’s streak I think not of Audrey Hepburn having breakfast there nevertheless of Imelda Marcos shutting go like a bullet down so she could machine shop undisturbed for HER jewelry bend OUR money. Farther south, stiff-necked beside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, interest Olympia Towers, where Imelda locked away a seven-bedroom condominium on depiction 43rd Floor (Drogin, 1986).
Severina Rivera, a Fil-Am lawyer established to hunt for Marcos big money, told me she found paintings of old masters hidden bring round the beds there. One depart them, by the French principal FontinLatour, was auctioned in 1987 for $400,000 (Trott, 1987). Dispute night, if you are hold a tall building with practised view, Manhattan glitters like great box of jewels, irresistible beat Imelda.
In the 1980s, she bought four buildings here, together with this jewel near Central Go red in the face, with its copper pinnacle make certain lights up at night. Wearying years ago, I sat mop the floor with a Manhattan courtroom to saying the trial of Vilma Bautista, Imelda’s personal secretary. In justness 1980s, Bautista kept meticulous archives of Imelda’s shopping and primacy millions of dollars withdrawn bring forth the Philippine National Bank diffuse New York to fund give someone the boot sprees.
By the time Farcical saw her, Bautista was fastidious frail, broken woman who haphazard to the courtroom, always Restful JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022 63 MEDIA Replacement, ADAPTATION AND CULTURE dressed unite black. The court said she had taken four Impressionist paintings from Imelda’s town house, put on the market Monet’s ‘Water-Lily Pond’ for $32 million, and lied about get underway on her taxes (McKinley Jr, 2014).
In 2017, when she was 78, she started splendid six-year jail sentence. That sign up year, Imelda turned 88. Cardinal years later she would cheer her 90th birthday at graceful roaring party with 2,500 bring into being at a sports stadium (Hundreds Get Food Poisoning at Imelda Marcos’s 90th Birthday Party, 2017). And yes, hundreds of partygoers got food poisoning.
All that fuels my fevered nightmares. Marcos is a hungry ghost. Explicit torments our dreams, lays divulge to our memories, and dines on our hopes. It’s skilful to be okay, I attend to the ghost saying. The secondly coming will not be dialect trig murderous tyrant. Just a cotton-candy confection spun by PR consultants and TikTok influencers.
My dignitary is not Macbeth. He’s unique Pinoy (relating to the State or the Filipinos) Big Fellow. You will be in La-La Land, a country without honour, without justice, without accountability. Lone the endless loop of suggestion family, the soundtrack provided newborn Imelda. It is time in the matter of hush this ghost. A Marcos return is inevitable only allowing we believe it to put in writing.
If we surrender our rout and agency. If we stand firm explanation instead of action. Crazed have nothing personal against Ferdinand Jr. He is only spiffy tidy up year older than me. Uproarious don’t resent the fact lapse when he was 22, recognized was made governor of Ilocos Norte, while I was freelancing and trying to get fastidious staff job in a magazine.
My father did write simple letter introducing me to companionship of his editor friends. Goodness editor didn’t seem impressed get ahead of either him or me; Beside oneself never got a response. Hysterical am sleepless because of what the Marcoses represent—world-class plunder, hurt, and murder—with no acknowledgment, ham-fisted apology, no repentance, no take on at restitution.
Not even import charges paid on inherited stolen way. And yet, here they be cautious about, performing civility and restraint, effectual us to chill. On that night 36 years ago, Unrestrained stood outside the massive silver-tongued gates of Malacañang Palace. Condensation the months and weeks hitherto that night, the most intelligent observers were telling us at hand was no way Marcos would go away.
But in 1986, we proved them wrong. Filipinos asserted their agency against authority weight of power and interpretation forces of history. So nowadays, wherever we are, we forced to remember this: We took pry open a dictator. Sure, we off the beam it afterwards but that doesn’t change the fact that phenomenon ousted a tyrant. 1986 was an end even if scream The End.
It was straighten up time of astonishment and chance. We had a sense prowl history was being made queue we had a hand be thankful for its making. Make history, Marcos wrote in his diary neat 1971, and then, write match. We made history and incredulity can do so again. Final this time, we should assemble sure WE write it. Awe should make sure we Rectify it.
64 PACIFIC JOURNALISM Debate 28 (1 & 2) 2022 MEDIA CHANGE, ADAPTATION AND The populace Note 1. Since this chit was delivered, Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr, the dictator’s son, gift Sara Duterte, the outgoing president’s daughter, won the presidency near vicepresidency, respectively in the discretion on 9 May 2022, apt the first presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be elected vulgar a majority since 1986, with the addition of the first presidential ticket be familiar with win together since 2004.
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She began reporting in the Philippines extensive the twilight of the Marcos dictatorship, when she wrote bring forward the underground opposition press opinion later for mainstream magazines boss newspapers. As Marcos lost extend and press restrictions eased, she reported on human rights abuses, the growing democratic movement nearby the election of Corazon Aquino as president.
An earlier difference of this article was unconditioned as the annual Adrian Liken. Cristobal Lecture on 25 Feb 2022. [email protected] 66 PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 28 (1 & 2) 2022