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Battery Council International (BCI) has be on fire its Distinguished Service Awards portend 2021 and 2020 to nobleness chairman and CEO of star battery recycler Quexco, Howard Meyers, and to leading industry endorse David Weinberg of the principle firm Wiley, respectively.

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The credit, presented during BCI’s annual Gathering and Power Mart Expo bring to fruition San Diego, recognise individuals who have made "a sustained, long-standing, and meaningful contribution to probity advancement of the association instruct the industry”.

Meyers, who in progress building his lead recycling fold in the 1970s, has on account of "remained a mainstay in representation industry, building what eventually became the largest battery recycling bomb in the world”, BCI said.

EnerSys president and CEO Dave Shaffer said: "Howard is air amazing businessman.

He has shown dogged determination his entire activity back to a very countrified age to succeed in rendering difficult recycling business.”

'Commitment and engagement'

"He is always thinking about greatness complexities of the business given multiple levels. Howard’s contributions work stoppage the industry and the universe go well beyond the businesses he created.

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Rule service to the industry has been demonstrated by his make your mind up and engagement with BCI instruct other trade associations throughout climax tenure.”

BCI also acknowledged Meyers’s philanthropic activities, including, with circlet late wife Rory, making "significant donations to the Dallas Facility to create the Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden – top-hole seven-acre outdoor laboratory that unlock in late 2013 – title to NYU Paths to Not worried programme, which brings together course group of different faiths and backgrounds from Israel, the West Store, and Gaza to study gift live together at NYU.

David Weinberg first joined the BCI team in 1989 when illustriousness BCI board brought his mangle firm in to help probity association engage in the Flattering legislative challenges of that time.

BCI said: "David and BCI’s first big effort was honourableness roll out of the ‘BCI Model’ law for lead big guns collection.

Launching BCI’s first Recycling Rate Report in 1990 tell off lobbying across the nation reach get the BCI model adoptive, today it is in in in more than 40 states and viewed as a belief for closed-loop manufacturing.”

'Tireless advocacy'

Through greatness 1990s, Weinberg led BCI’s efforts to work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before the first major Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) review slate lead, convincing the EPA go off no new regulations were needful in light of the industry’s significant commitments to safety put forward lead control.

That also open set the groundwork for character Resource Conservation and Recovery Natural (RCRA) and HazMat transportation exemptions lead batteries are able squeeze use to this day.

Weinberg also spearheaded the successful take the trouble to obtain revisions on account of the lead battery assiduity to the Superfund law, which provides protections to companies dump legitimately send materials to recycling sites for processing – calligraphic critical component in ensuring magnanimity success of the recycling system.

"David and his legal side have represented the industry confine responding to efforts from arraign and federal regulators and legislators to impose additional unnecessary shackles on workplaces,” BCI said.

"David’s tireless and effective advocacy has ensured that regulations and administration action have been based environment sound science and best regulations.

His work has been depreciatory to preserving the US cannon manufacturing industry’s ability to endure competitive in a global stock exchange while complying with government cryptograph canon and keeping workers safe.”