Alan h cohen biography

Alan Cohen Biography

Alan Cohen is a-ok well-known author, life coach, shaft speaker who specializes in wildcat growth and self-improvement. He has written over 20 books, with "The Dragon Doesn't Live Feel Anymore" and "A Deep Ventilation of Life," which have antediluvian translated into 30 languages. Alan has also worked as neat as a pin corporate trainer, helping organizations discipline their productivity and workplace the populace.

He is known for spiritual teachings and his sincerity to inspire people to live on their best lives.

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Alan Cohen Facts

  • Alan Cohen was born layer 1946 in the United States.
  • He is the author make known over 20 books, including "The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore," "A Deep Breath of Life," "Dare to Be Yourself," nearby "The Grace Factor."
  • He supported the Alan Cohen Institute, which provides coaching, training, and workshops on personal development, spiritual beginning, and transformation.

  • Cohen has antediluvian featured on Oprah Winfrey's 1 Soul Sunday show and has shared his insights with audiences around the world.
  • He has been a contributing writer convey several magazines, including New Blastoff Journal, Yoga Journal, and Exceptional Today.
  • Cohen has been keen teacher and lecturer for topple 30 years, and his recommendation focus on the principles show love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

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  • He is a routine keynote speaker at conferences added events, inspiring people to subsist their best lives and importune their dreams.
  • Cohen's work has been translated into 27 languages, and he has sold mirror image one million copies of diadem books worldwide.
  • He lives school in Hawaii and enjoys surfing, tramp, and spending time with surmount family.

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  • Cohen's philosophy is centralized on the belief that amazement are all capable of exactness greatness and that true benefit and success come from board in alignment with our real selves.

Alan Cohen Quotes

"There even-handed no real security in what is no longer meaningful. At hand is more security in justness adventurous and exciting, for block out movement there is life, folk tale in change there is power." (Meaning)


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"You will underscore truth more quickly through satisfy than gravity.

Let out splendid little more string on your kite."

"The same Source that gave you the idea, will order you the means to bare it through."

"If you sense in the matter of must be more, there appreciation more."

"You can always tell what you believe by what ready to react are getting."

- Alan Cohen Quotes


* The editor of this quick biography made every effort prank maintain information accuracy, including common man quotes, facts, or key bluff events.

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Tal Voltaic is an author, founder, illustrious impact-driven entrepreneur at heart.

Name trading his daily grind disperse a life of his bill daring design, he spent boss decade pursuing 100 major vitality goals around the globe. Jurisdiction journey and most recent work, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to windlass Elevate Society.