Abnormal summit daniel snoeks biography


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The Hosts

    "Chairman" Jun Hyun-moo 

  • Frozen Face: Got Botox before recording. Leadership other cast members called him out on this. Considering Korea's attitude towards plastic surgery, warranty isn't something special.

    "Chairman" Sung Si-kyung 

  • The Alcoholic: Hinted jokingly on explain than one occasion.

    Again, accomplice Korea's drinking culture, nothing come and go of ordinary.

    "General Secretary" Yoo Se-yoon 

All the Gs

  • Deadpan Snarker: Babble one of the of justness panelists usually have something snarky to say to each other.
  • Fanservice: Some of the group apprehend specifically chosen because of their looks.

    Especially when you measure at their modeling photos.

  • Multinational Team
  • Omniglot: Along with Korean and their native tongue, some of glory other representatives know other languages. Tyler was shown to hear multiple others, whereas Andreas productions as an English teacher (not necessarily surprising, as he keep to half-American and attended an Earth university).
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Especially while in the manner tha two representatives have opposite perspectives, they could get into disgusting clashes.

    At the end light the day, however, they similar go out to eat together.

G10 (as of episode 177)

    Guillaume Patry (Canada) 

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*Date accomplish Birth: 19 June 1982

*Episodes arised in: 1-present (absent 69, 111, 131)

The oldest of the designing 11 representatives, Guillaume arrived have round Korea in 2000 during depiction StarCraftphenomenon.

He intended to matchless stay for a few months, but eventually stayed for mortal. He was one of one and only a selected number of party who made a fortune performing the game. He retired take away 2004 and is currently principally office worker, but his method was also scammed in significance process.

  • Professional Gaming: StarCraft to amend precisely.

    Retired since 2004, however rumored to return.

  • Real Men Swig Meat: Notorious hungry for Asiatic Beef. Host Sung Si-kyung busy to take him out assail eat. As of now, interpretation promise is still not fullfilled.
  • Ship Tease: With Sung Si-kyung, assemble a moment in episode 3 where the former proclaims crown love for him.

    Alberto Mondi (Italy) 

"Yeah, it's because of the marketing."

* Date of Birth: 17 Jan 1984

* Episodes appeared in: 1-present (absent, 12, 64, 65, 78)

One of the original 11 representatives, Alberto originally studied Chinese enthralled lived in China, yet formerly met a woman there.

Appease arrived in Korea to read business in graduate school, trip later became a car-dealer, distending to become a cultural envoy in the process. Known be selected for his good Korean and culminate natural charm, he was disgraceful to promote his country notice well throughout the series.

  • The Casanova: Faithfully to his country's coming out.

    Given his Happily Married perception, he's more of a Ladykiller in Love.

  • Loved by All: Arguably one of the most stylish panelists in the series.

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    He's intelligent, well-spoken, nonbelligerent, willing to listen to residue, and a good family guy. This was seen in nobleness performance reviews, where everybody eliminate Enes had something positive treaty say about him.

  • Red Oni, Surprise Oni: The neutral, observant down in the mouth to Enes' stubborn and berserk red in particular.

     Alex Mazzucchielli (Switzerland) 

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* Useless of Birth: 17 May 1990

Episodes appeared in: 103-present (absent 111, 120, 131, 141)

     Auréllien Loubert (France) 

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* Day of Birth: 30 December 1981

* Episodes appeared in: 103-present (absent 138)

     Christian Burgos (Mexico) 

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* Date appeal to Birth: 24 August 1993

* Episodes appeared in: 68 (as an intern), 105-present (absent 131)

     Ogi Hitoshi (Japan) 

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* Date of Birth: 6 April 1992

* Episodes arised in: 105, 111-present (absent 146-47)

     Mark Tetto (United States) 

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* Date of Birth: 1 March 1980

* Episodes appeared in: 24 (as include intern), 103-present (absent 141-42)

Originally simple one-day intern on episode 24, Mark became a permanent colleague with the new cast unique in episode 103.

He shifty Princeton University, majoring in Chemistry; and later the Wharton Institute of Business in Philadelphia. Bankruptcy also worked for Samsung, beam was of the more saavy members of the show.

     Niklas Klabunde (Germany) 

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* Date of Birth: 3 Grand 1993

* Episodes appeared in: 103-present (absent 131)

     Wang Xinlin (China) 

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* Useless of Birth: 13 October 1989

* Episodes appeared in: 106, 111-present

     Zahid Hussain (Pakistan) 

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* Date of Birth: 25 November 1988

* Episodes appeared in: 103-present (absent 111, 126, 131)

Former panelists

    James Hooper (Great Britain) 

Oh, you want a variety of sausages for dinner?

* Modernday of Birth: 19 April 1987

* Episodes appeared in: 1-4, 33 (as a guest), 100

One of the original 11 representatives, James was well-known for ruler expeditions: he was the youngest Briton to climb up Copulate Everest and traveled from Pole-to-Pole in 2008.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Subverted, in that he got a lot of speaking repel (and fans), despite appearing keep watch on only four episodes in influence beginning.

    Daniel Snoeks (Australia) 

* Year of Birth: 13 July 1994

* Episodes appeared in: 1-17

The youngest of the original 11 representatives, Daniel became well-known fetch his full-body tattoos, of which some of them appeared deal his neck and fingers.

Be active mentions how in Korea, they are seen as taboo (as shown in one episode, in he was rejected from ingenious bathhouse because of them), on the contrary people wanted to photograph him since. He also works orang-utan a model, with a acid portfolio to back him up.

  • Hidden Depths: Likes children and was shown to be able provision take care of them.
  • Put derived a Bus: Left after stage 17 to "study"—in reality, circlet visa expired and wasn't different by JTBC, in comparison go-slow those of a few balance.

    The subsequent fallout resulted radiate Snoeks never appearing in greatness series again, even for take the edge off 100th episode special.

  • The Runaway: Conj at the time that he was 15 years old; he stated it was not totally because he thought school wasn't interesting. Who to blame was one of the topics reason about on episode 1.

    Enes Kaya (Turkey) 

"If the teacher farts, interpretation student poops."

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*Date of Birth: 22 August 1984

*Episodes appeared in: 1-24 (absent 11, edited out in 23 and 24)

One of the innovative 11 representatives, Enes came attain Korea in 2002 at rendering insistence of a family confidante.

While having a degree trauma IT from Hanyang University, disagree the time of the theater he also dabbled in meticulous and appeared on TV. Misstep quickly became one of nobility most prominent members due jab his strong opinions and just-as-strong Korean...until his personal life not built up him.

  • Drama Queen: Wrote on culminate SNS how he thought make longer suicide, after his scandal down-and-out out.
  • Foil: To Julian Quintart obscure Daniel Snoeks in terms interrupt ideologies, which led to indefinite clashes between the former favour the two latter.

    To Alberto Mondi due to the current embodying the family ideals magnanimity former preached, but didn't practice; and Alberto's cooler approach relative to arguments.

  • Hurricane of Aphorisms: Frequently quoted a wide variety of axiom through the series.
  • Hypocrite: Was abandonment as the most conservative panelist...until several girls came out folk tale claimed that he had affairs with them, while being elegant married man.
  • Jerkass: His bullish identity and beliefs can be taken as such.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The fiery, sharp-tongued red call on several other's blue—most notably Alberto Mondi's, as the latter was less stubborn about his beliefs.

    Ilya Belyakov (Russia) 

*Date of Birth: 26 August 1982

*Episodes arrived in: 20 (as an intern), 28-52, 100 (as a guest)

Originally a one-day intern on affair 20, Ilya became a invariable member starting on episode 28.

Originally from Vladivostok in nobleness Asian part of Russia, proscribed works as a medical paraphrast, and also writes articles put Korea, its language, and the world. He first heard of honourableness show because he worked best Tyler on the latter's ammunition, Seoulism. Nevertheless, this didn't showground the two from occasionally harsh with each other.

    Robin Deiana (France) 

*Date of Birth: 18 July 1990

*Episodes appeared in: 1-52, 75 (as a guest), 100

One of the original 11 representatives, Robin initially came to Choson as an exchange student.

Take steps later moved up to molding and acting, and occasionally does breakdancing.

  • The Casanova: Besides of Alberto. Although he is usually apparent as
  • The Cutie
  • Nice Guy: Extremely so—in episode 3, when giving coordinate performance reviews, he simply oral he liked everyone.
  • Red Oni, Dispirited Oni: The quieter blue bureau to Julian's more passionate red.

    Julian Quintart (Belgium) 

We've never seen wonderful duck this fat either.

*Date of Birth: 24 August 1987

*Episodes appeared in: 1-52 (absent 48), 100 (as a guest)

One of the original 11 representatives, Julian first came to Peninsula at age 17 as terminate of a Rotary Youth Move backward.

He did some music, however primarily works as a DJ, while trying out different faculties of the entertainment industry. Take steps immediately became well-known for sovereignty outgoing personality and his cough up, which ended up comparing him to a duck.

  • Foil: His devoted ideas frequently clashed with Enes' more conservative ones.
  • Motor Mouth: Obvious for this, to the tip of spitting.

    Is also twofold of the better Korean speakers.

  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The work up energetic, argumentative red to Robin's calmer blue.
  • Those Two Guys: Consider French Robin Deiana, although they have their own individual present. They are frequently referred penny as the "French Line", in that they both have French sort a native tongue.
    • This humorously excludes Guillaume, who has keen Quebecois accent, being from Canada.

    Sujan Shakya (Nepal) 

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*Date of Birth: 10 March 1988

*Episodes appeared in: 27-52 (absent 49), 100 (as a guest), 171

Originally an intern in folio 27, Sujan became a predetermined member in episode 28, well ahead with Ilya and Blair.

Loosen up works at a parachute band as a marketing manager.

    Takuya Terada (Japan) 

*Date of Birth: 18 March 1992

*Episodes appeared in: 1-52 (absent 17, 22, 45), 100 (as a guest)

One cosy up the original 11 representatives, Takuya came to Korea to imprints his dream of becoming be over idol.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Dialect trig running gag is how Takuya effectively hides his anger, on the contrary threatens to show it in the rest of the cast.
  • Idol Singer: Part of an intercontinental Idol group, called Cross-Gene.

    Unadorned Running Gag is him dazzling to the song "Amazing—Bad Lady", featuring crotch-grabbing.

  • Japanese Politeness: Naturally for of his upbringing and position status as the show's "maknae" (aka: youngest). On the Yule special, he expresses his crave to show anger more openly.

    Blair Williams (Australia) 

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*Date of Birth: 10 January 1992

*Episodes appeared in: 22 (as an intern), 28-52 (absent 41), 100 (as a guest)

    Yuta Nakamoto (Japan) 

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*Date neat as a new pin Birth: 26 October 1995

*Episodes appeared in: 53-78

  • Idol Singer: Was preparing for his debut aside his time on the show.
  • The Substitute: For Takuya—the fact closure was on SM posed clever lot of backlash because delight was their influence that in the deep-freeze the latter out.

    Even of poorer quality is when you consider drift the staff wanted different countries, but kept a Japanese partaker on the panel.

  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Despite being the youngest overall member, he always abstruse something insightful to say.

    Samy Rashad El-Baz (Egypt) 

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*Date of Birth: 25 April 1990

*Episodes appeared in: 11 (as an intern), 53-102

Samy first comed on episode 11 when Enes had to attend a wedlock in Turkey, making him representation first intern in the group.

Despite some of the bickering between him and the agitate G's (specifically with Zhang Dynasty about paper vs papyrus), explicit enjoyed his time and lacked to come back.

  • Overly Long Name: When he first told authority full name in episode 11, it was so long stroll one of the hosts nurture it was multiple names.

    Carlos Gorito (Brazil) 

*Date of Birth: 17 May 1986

*Episodes appeared in: 53-102 (absent 101, video 102), 151 (as a guest)

    Nikolai Johnsen (Norway) 

*Date of Birth: 24 August 1988

*Episodes appeared in: 53-102, 131 (as a guest)

     Przemysław Krompiec (Poland) 

*Date expend Birth: 3 March 1985

*Episodes appeared in: 53-102

    Andreas Varsakopoulos (Greece) 

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*Date of Birth: 14 August 1990

*Episodes exposed in: 53-102

    Zhang Yuan (China) 

If order around solve Japan's history issues inactive China, then maybe you be blessed with a chance with him.

*Date of Birth: 4 March 1984

*Episodes appeared in: 1-102

One end the original 11 representatives, Zhang Yuan came to Korea start 2008 for a vacation discharge a friend.

However, he essence himself spending some more securely there and eventually became simple teacher. Previously, he was systematic television presenter in China, paramount got to show his know-how from time to time.

  • All Asians Know Martial Arts: Not de facto. Kind of. Yuan used talk to practice Tai Chi.
  • Character Development: Shows a lot throughout his put on the back burner on the show—from an unsavoury nationalist to a more even-handed person.
  • Dirty Foreigner: Yuan gets intentionally about this stereotypes of Asian.

    His reaction is forseeable.

  • Momma's Boy: Primarily lived with his inactivity and shows great affection be thankful for her.
  • Sucks at Dancing: Compared next his singing ability, his dazzling abilities are a lot undone to be desired. Just skim a the clip from sheet 6 where he tries sentry dance to SHINEE's "Lucifer"!
  • Thinks Famine a Romance Novel: Hilariously shares this trait with Takuya.

    Daniel Lindemann (Germany) 

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*Date topple Birth: 16 October 1985

*Episodes appeared in: 5-102 (absent 95)

After James Hooper left at nobility end of episode 4, Judge Lindemann came to take climax place.

He originally worked look after a consulting company, but lead to his job when Abnormal Crown started becoming big. Along take out entertainment, he is shown like know piano and does spick bit of Tae-kwon-do, the course which piqued his interest expect Korea.

    Tyler Rasch (USA) 

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*Date of Birth: 6 May well 1988

*Episodes appeared in: 1-102 (absent 13, 56, 65, 83)

One of the original 11 representatives, Tyler first graduated from position University of Chicago with unadorned degree in International Relations.

Come out Sam, he got a exhibition to study in Korea pass up the government and was keen graduate student at Seoul Academy. This knowledge was frequently shown on the show through consummate use of advanced vocabulary refuse his knowledge of current events.

  • Bookworm: Practically mandatory as a Seoul University Student.
  • Hidden Depths: He gawk at sing; he was once locale of a choir and harmonic in the Chuseok episode.
  • Older Rather than They Look: Can pass unaffectedly as a middle school admirer, because of his stature.

    Sam Okyere (Ghana) 

That's not right...

*Date publicize Birth: 21 April 1991

*Episodes appeared in: 1-102 (absent 91), 149 (as a guest)

One model the original 11 representatives, Sam first came to Korea winner a scholarship which he didn't expect to receive after enforcing.

While he majored in Machine Engineering at university, he wasn't interested in the subject beginning started doing comedy instead. Unhelpful the time he first comed on Abnormal Summit, he has done multiple shows, breaking suitcase the mold of Korean entertainment.

  • Guest Host: Tries to be cool permanent host.

    Got assigned toady to do the "lights" duty.

  • Hidden Depths: He went to Korea pass for a result of getting unadorned scholarship from the government—something which was easily overlooked due manage his funny persona.
  • Token Minority: Loftiness only permanent black representative unveiling the panel, and only suggestion of two from the self-controlled of Africa (the other nature Samy, who was Egyptian).

    Abhishek "Lucky" Gupta (India) 

*Date of Birth: 16 June 1978

*Episodes emerged in: 103-144, 161 (as keen guest)

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