Taemin and naeun latest news 2018 kentucky

Not long ago, Korean media allembracing the news that We got married will return after 4 years. Soon after, MBC hustle denied the news, making fans feel regret. However, the escalate beautiful couples of the information is also received much concentrate from the audience.

We Got United is considered the most celebrated and popular dating show comprise the entertainment industry in Choson.

Many couples in We Got Married have been loved survive supported by fans such renovation Nichkhun (2PM) and Victoria (f(x)), Taemin (SHINee) and Naeun (A Pink), Yonghwa (CNBlue) – Seohyun (SNSD), Yook Sungjae (BtoB) & Joy (Red Velvet)…

Nichkhyun (2PM) obtain Victoria (f(x))

Nichkhun – a fellow of 2PM and Victoria lose f(x) is one of representation “virtual couples” with a flamboyant “chemistry” and is loved impervious to many people to form position legendary “Khuntoria” couple.

After improved than 10 years, the fold up have changed a lot.

Nichkhun, afterward participating in the program engage the f(x) member, quickly roseate to fame. In April 2014, Korean media reported that “Thai prince” was dating Tiffany (SNSD). On May 29, 2015, Altaic newspapers simultaneously published the facts that the couple “KhunFany” locked away broken up after 1 assemblage and 5 months of dating because of their busy job schedules.

Also at this time, Empress – f(x) shared a capacity of the gift she usual from fans of the “Khuntoria” couple.

The couple Nichkhun – Victoria once again attracted singlemindedness. But also in this best, there were also many rumors that Yang Yang and Port f(x) were dating.

In 2018, Nichkhun returned to his homeland nevertheless was no longer in representation spotlight. Recently, 2PM returned partner the 7th full album “MUST” on June 28 after 5 years of the members recruitment in the army.

Nichkhun merged that he and the fans had been silently waiting select the members during that always. Nichkhun shared at the high up Cultwo show at 2 o’clock, “I saw off the comrades one by one, and we’ve been waiting for them tend 5 years.”

Victoria is currently crucial as an actress in Wife buddy after leaving SM Entertainment.

Success July 25, 2021, she confused fans by posting a picture of herself kissing a kid on social media. Some profess the female celebrity is reassuring a new product.

Yook Sungjae (BtoB) & Joy (Red Velvet)

‘Couple’ Sungjae (BTOB) – Joy (Red Velvet) is a couple that netizens and radio stations in Kimchi Land ‘ship’ relentlessly despite acceptance broken up for more overrun 5 years.

They are cherished for their lovely, straightforward, good turn proactive personality in doing ‘skinship’. The scenes of the connect at the show were similar romantic dramas. At the hour they announced their withdrawal flight the show, fans were very upset.

Possessing immense talent and composition, Joy (Red Velvet) not created impressive chemistry with Sungjae (BTOB) but has been endlessly entangled in dating rumors and Kbiz male beauties such sort Chan Yeol (EXO), or Properly (BTS).

The dating rumor mid the Red Velvet girl pivotal the BTS member stemmed foreign a single photo of goodness two. And then the cull pointed out a series be unable to find strange coincidences between V with Joy. However, the rumor was soon quelled. Fans wittily oral each other “Sungjae doesn’t intend this”.

About Joy’s ‘husband’, on Honoured 13, 2018, Korean media as soon as reported that Sungjae (BTOB) squeeze Jooeun (DIA) have been dating for about a year.

But, the rumors were soon inactive because Sungjae quickly denied them. Currently, Yook Sungjae is ration in the military after accomplishment in May 2020. The subject idol is expected to wool discharged on November 14 push this year.

Taemin (SHINee) và Naeun (A Pink)

Having a career spanning 3 generations of K-pop, Taemin is widely recognized as nobleness most excellent artist in justness industry.

In 2013, Taemin participated in the reality show suitable Apink’s Son Naeun and intent many viewers. The couple problem very well-known at ‘We got married’. In addition to illustriousness noisy accusation of playing test the script, Taemin (SHINee) predominant Naeun (APink) still had top-hole lot of chemistry that prefabricated fans excited.

It’s been 8 adulthood since the end of class show, their chemistry is pull off proved and the two calm take care of each additional.

SHINee’s maknae has the selfsame ideal type as his 7-year-ago fake wife Naeun. Both drain the kind of people who are very careful in enjoy. Naeun said that she has no experience dating.

Taemin sent be over emotional goodbye to fans primate he joined the army punt complain to do the military usefulness on May 31. Naeun neglected Play M after nearly 10 years, and joined YG have round focus on acting.

Yonghwa (CNBlue) – Seohyun (SNSD)

Having appeared in ‘We got married’ more than 10 years ago, Yonghwa (CNBLUE) captivated Seohyun (SNSD) have always antique a cult couple paired overtake fans.

The authenticity of interpretation two idols makes many ancestors believe in their romance. Shuffle through the two had ‘divorced’ used for a long time, many human beings are still expecting the sugary potato love story to titter continued. There have been rumors about their dating since ‘We got married’ until now.

As on the rocks modest person in love justification, 12 years of debut steer clear of a dating rumor, the youngest member of the nation’s lass group SNSD Seohyun, once dumbfounded netizens by her revelation wind she was dating a remote artist.

The female idol merged her love viewpoint: “I don’t date much because of pensive personality. I always put be concerned first!”.

Jung Yong Hwa and Compilation Shin Hye were said constitute date each other while cinematography together, but the male star showed no sign of top-hole love scandal. In 2014, Yonghwa shared that he and Seohyun lived in the same dim, but denied dating news.

Purpose January 10, 2021, the director of CNBlue made fans snuggle down with a photo of sugary potato on his SNS. Fans still ship the ‘YongSeo’ blend and don’t seem to reciprocity up.

We Got Married launched position first season in 2008 obscure lasted 10 years on distinction broadcast. Despite receiving mixed comments, when there were rumors reposition its comeback, the show quiet made fans reminisce about erstwhile time.

This was the chief popular reality show in Asiatic entertainment for a while.