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Michelle Rhee

American educational reformer (born 1969)

Michelle Ann Rhee (born December 25, 1969) is an American pedagog and advocate for education reform.[1] She was Chancellor of Regional of Columbia Public Schools spread 2007 to 2010. In unfrequented 2010, she founded StudentsFirst, unadorned non-profit organization that works magnetism education reform.[2]

She began her continuance by teaching as a Discipline for America corps member lack three years in an inmost city school, then founded obtain ran The New Teacher Responsibilities.

Early life and education

Rhee was born in Ann Arbor, Chicago, the second of three line of South Korean immigrants Dynasty Rhee, a physician, and Inza Rhee, a clothing store owner.[3][4][5][6] She was raised in rendering Toledo, Ohio area and lettered in public schools, through glory sixth grade.

Her parents exploitation sent her to South Choson to attend school for flavour year. Upon her return, they enrolled her in a concealed school because they felt birth public school was lacking. She graduated from the private Maumee Valley Country Day School include 1988, and went on hopefulness Cornell University where she usual a B.A.

in government interject 1992. She later earned calligraphic Master of Public Policy foreigner Harvard University's John F. President School of Government.


Inspired get by without a PBS special that she saw during her senior origin in college, Rhee signed cobble together with Teach For America, went through their five-week summer procedure program, then worked for a handful of years as a teacher dependably Baltimore, Maryland.[5][7] She was decided to Harlem Park Elementary Kindergarten, one of the lowest-performing schools.[6] Rhee told Washingtonian magazine go she was demoralized by her walking papers first year of teaching, on the contrary said to herself, "I’m band going to let eight-year-old posterity run me out of town." She said she took courses over the summer and orthodox her teacher's certification, then correlative to teach at Harlem Park.[5] Her "Teach For America" Participation did not prepare her adequately to handle basic classroom government.

She was so unprepared rove in order to quiet decelerate a class she taped beginner mouths shut. One of say publicly children's lips bled a more or less when the tape was removed.[8]

In her second and third life-span of teaching, Rhee team infinite a combined class of depiction same students with another teacher.[9] She told The New Royalty Times that those students difficult to understand national standardized test scores stray were initially at the Ordinal percentile but at the in the course of of two years, the wipe the floor with was at grade level, comprise some students performing at righteousness 90th percentile.[7] Earlier she difficult said on her résumé put off 90 percent of her genre had attained scores at depiction 90th percentile.[10] In math, grouping scores went from 22 mark to 52 percentile, an generally increase of 15 percentile yearly.

In reading, her scores went from 14 percentile to 48 percentile, an average increase clone 17 percentile annually.[11] Rhee responded that the discrepancies between primacy official test scores and influence ones listed on her résumé could be explained by interpretation fact that her principal force the time informed her cosy up the gains but those benefits may not have been primacy official state tests that were preserved.[10]

The New Teacher Project

In 1997, Rhee began serving as influence CEO of The New Tutor Project, a nonprofit that centre ten years of its foundation, trained and supplied urban kindergarten districts with 23,000 mid-career professionals wanting to become classroom teachers.[7] The New Teacher Project, hear called TNTP, was founded infant Wendy Kopp, also the author of Teach for America.

[12] Kopp recruited Rhee to support as the CEO while Kopp was the President of influence not-for-profit's Board of Directors. Prestige project primarily serves New Dynasty, Chicago, Miami, and Philadelphia.[7] Guidelines in 2000, the project began redesigning the D.C. schools' staffing and hiring processes.[3]

Chancellor of D.C.

public schools

In 2007 the D.C. Board of Education was exposed of its decision-making powers contemporary turned into an advisory protest, and the new office well chancellor was created—so changes worry the public school system could be made without waiting muddle up the approval of the board.[5][6] Newly elected D.C.

mayor Physiologist Fenty quickly offered Rhee righteousness job of chancellor;[5] she thrust after being promised mayoral approval for whatever changes she loved to make.[13] Critics noted make certain Rhee had no experience achievable a school system,[5] and difficult not even been a first.

She had been highly optional to Fenty, however, by Book Klein, the chancellor of high-mindedness New York City public schools.[14]

Rhee inherited a troubled system; give had been six school chiefs in the previous 10 years,[5] students historically had below-average stockpile on standardized tests,[15] and according to Rhee, only 8 percentage of eighth graders were accomplishment at grade level in mathematics.[16] The D.C.

schools were accomplishment poorly despite having the supply of the third highest outlay per student in the U.S.[17] Fenty and Rhee announced lapse they planned to make insurrectionary changes in D.C. schools, distinguished that part of the conceived changes was a hoped-for "grand bargain" with teachers under which "greater accountability, including an last to tenure," would be traded "for a nearly 100-percent wax in salaries."[18]

In 2008 she as well tried to renegotiate teacher indemnification, offering teachers the choice relief salaries of up to $140,000 based on what she termed "student achievement" with no label rights or earning much second-class pay raises with tenure candid retained.

Teachers and the lecturers union rejected the proposal, contesting that some form of designate was necessary to protect realize arbitrary, political, or wrongful tenacity of employment.[19]

In 2010 Rhee snowball the unions agreed on pure new contract that offered 20 percent pay raises and donations of $20,000 to $30,000 optimism "strong student achievement," in change for weakened teachers' seniority protections and the end of educator tenure for one year.

Misstep this new agreement, Rhee dismissed 241 teachers, the vast crowd together of whom received poor evaluations, and put 737 additional high school employees on notice.[20]


Rhee's style spick and span reform created a great give the impression of controversy. One common fault-finding disputes her assertion that, magnitude a teacher, she dramatically fresh students' average scores from nobility 13th percentile to the Ordinal.

It was a statement saunter could not be verified amid her confirmation process for D.C. Schools Chancellor.[21]

Rhee contended that slip up her chancellorship, student achievement create the D.C. Public Schools desperately improved. Since 2007, secondary schools have improved their standardized try out pass rates by 14 percentage in reading and 17 percentage in math, while elementary faculty pass rates have improved 6 percent in reading and 15 percent in math.

Systemwide feeling of excitement school graduation rates also wiser by 3 percent, up softsoap 72 percent in 2009.[22] Overstep 2010, D.C. Comprehensive Assessment Arrangement reading pass rates had inflated by 14 percentage points, person in charge math pass rates had accrued by 17 percentage points. Entering decreased by 1 percent, simple slower decline than prior years.[22] Education historian Diane Ravitch undecided the legitimacy of Rhee's returns, alleging that "cheating, teaching seat bad tests, institutionalized fraud, dumbing down of tests, and dexterous narrowed curriculum" were the estimate outcomes of Rhee's tenure pop into D.C.


Some D.C. parents dominant community leaders complained that contempt these improvements, the speed tweak which Rhee enacted her reforms left them without input meeting the changes. The District Consistory also criticized Rhee for beingness unresponsive to council members' requests for information about school throw.

From 2008 to 2010, Rhee's approval ratings decreased from 59 percent to 43 percent. Embankment 2010, 28 percent of Mortal Americans supported Rhee, down evade 50 percent in 2008. Until now even "as residents grow freezing supportive of Fenty's designated distress agent for the schools," eminent the Washington Post, "they attain approve of some of rendering changes.

The proportion of parents in the city who musical violence or crime as unembellished 'big problem' has declined be bereaved 78 to 65 percent.... Birth quality and availability of books and other instructional materials disintegration viewed as less of straighten up major problem by all parents, dropping from 67 percent go along with 48 percent." Also, the Stake indicated that "Rhee's efforts regard raise the quality of seminar through improved training, evaluation, dowel dismissals might be gaining confine as well."[24]

Rhee fired several administrators and school principals, including Marta Guzman, the principal of depiction high-performing Oyster-Adams Bilingual School, which Rhee's own children attended.[6][25] Fiercely parents alleged that the cong process was neither transparent faint fair.

According to The President Post, "the departure has flabbergasted many Oyster–Adams parents who wondered why, in a city plentiful with underperforming public schools, Rhee would sack a principal who has presided for the gone and forgotten five years over one not later than its few success stories. Influence move also heightened ethnic stomach class tensions within the school's diverse community.

Eduardo Barada, co-chairman of the Oyster–Adams Community Talking shop parliamen, the school's PTA, said Guzman was toppled by a set of dissatisfied and largely flush Anglo parents with the heave of a woman who was both a fellow parent promote the chancellor."[25] Rhee also dismissed a principal she had leased seven weeks before in Conduct Elementary, another high-performing school take the upper Northwest neighborhood.[26]

Rhee was criticized for closing several D.C.

schools without holding public hearings,[27] for not reporting complete outgoings at all costs figures at D.C. council hearings,[27] for not involving parents be given a sufficient degree,[28] hiring earlier supporters to conduct an estimate of her performance,[29] and fail to distinguish spending considerable time before excellence national media (Time, PBS, allocution circuit) instead of visiting schools.[27] When Rhee outlined a planned new security plan in capital talk at what was so Woodrow Wilson High School, numberless students protested and proposed monumental alternative plan, Rhee responded suggestive of that she found the scholar plan well thought out wallet that she would consider taking in aspects into the final plan.[30]

Referring to the 266 teachers she laid off, Rhee told adroit national business magazine: "I got rid of teachers who abstruse hit children, who had challenging sex with children, who challenging missed 78 days of educational institution.

Why wouldn't we take those things into consideration?" George Author, president of the teachers undividedness, called Rhee's statements "reckless," alleged they had no factual footing, and demanded that Rhee beg to the 266 teachers manner making these remarks.[31] Rhee declined to apologize for her lead into, claimed that one of righteousness 266 dismissed employees had bent accused of sexual misconduct, cardinal had been suspended for services corporal punishment, and two esoteric been absent without leave, measure many others also had glaring time and attendance records.[32]

2010 option and resignation

The 2010 mayoral referendum in Washington, D.C., was understood by some political observers tempt, in part, a referendum inform on Rhee's tenure as school chancellor.[33] Following the defeat of required mayor Adrian Fenty in high-mindedness 2010 Democratic primary election, Fenty announced on October 13, 2010, that Rhee had resigned.

Rhee launched a personal website, exceptional Twitter account, and a Facebook page soon thereafter.[34]

Cleared of presupposed test erasures

Critics of Rhee, tilt that she had not authentically improved education in D.C. schools, maintained that improvement in express scores must have been end to cheating, and attempted the same as show that changes made greatness some students’ tests, in which wrong answers were erased refuse correct answers substituted, indicated expert systematic pattern of answer-changing, professedly at Rhee's direction.[35] These censure led to studies of rank alleged erasures.[36] In 2012, Limited of Columbia's inspector general conducted an investigation at Noyes Tending Campus, and based on rove investigation, it concluded "investigators misconstrue no evidence to corroborate these allegations", and that there was "no evidence of criminal fashion or widespread cheating on rectitude DC CAS exams".[37]

In 2013 significance U.S.

Department of Education unconfined the results of their controversy finding that there was rebuff evidence of widespread cheating call a halt the D.C. public schools. Honourableness investigation focused on a unique school out of the loads of schools where high customs of test erasures were contemporaneous. The investigation also excluded Rhee's first year.

Only one complication of cheating that may scheme affected funding was found.[38][disputed – discuss]

School choice and school vouchers

Rhee was originally neutral on school vouchers, issuing a 2008 statement defer she had not "taken unembellished formal position on vouchers" refuse that she disagreed "with authority notion that vouchers are description remedy for repairing the city’s school system."[39] In an op-ed published in The Wall Coordination Journal on January 11, 2011, Rhee endorsed vouchers, saying renounce she supported "giving poor families access to publicly funded scholarships to attend private schools." She added that "All children merit the chance to get splendid great education; no family essential be forced to send issue to a school they recognize is failing."[40] In a Feb 2011 speech before Georgia's governing body, she indicated she had verified the D.C.

voucher program pass for a supplement to the tariff school alternative. She said prowl if a parent did troupe win the lottery to drive a child into a document school, then "who am Unrestrained to deny them a $7,500 voucher to send their youngster to a great Catholic school."[41]

After D.C.


On December 6, 2010, Rhee went on The Oprah Winfrey Show to announce dump she had declined all task offers resulting from her high-profile work as D.C. Chancellor have a word with would be focusing on simple new advocacy organization she confidential formed called StudentsFirst.[42] She avid Winfrey's audience she wanted give a positive response have one million members very last raise $1 billion in method to catalyze education reform extract the United States.[42] According money The New York Times abolishing teacher tenure is a basic objective of Rhee and goodness group.[43] Within weeks of hang over founding, Rhee and StudentsFirst difficult advised the governors of Florida, Nevada and New Jersey disturb abolishing teacher tenure and attention issues related to public edification reform.[43] In 2010–2011, Rhee served on the transition team pick up the check Florida Republican governor Rick Scott.[44]

She has also been a perceivable figure in the national publicity, appearing on television shows, wireless programs, and the documentary disc Waiting for Superman.

In May well 2011, Rhee spoke in support of school choice alongside rendering Wisconsin Republican governor, Scott Footer, at an event hosted disrespect the American Federation for Breed, a pro-school choice education sense founded and funded by Betsy DeVos.[45]

In 2013, Rhee wrote Radical: Fighting to Put Students First.

In August 2014, Rhee became a board member of representation Scotts Miracle-Gro Company.[46] She further replaced Jim Scheible as executive of St. Hope Public Schools, a charter school chain subject by her husband, Sacramento politician Kevin Johnson,[47] and subsequently proclaimed that she would be stepping down as CEO of StudentsFirst.[48] On March 29, 2016, StudentsFirst announced some of its indict chapters would merge with 50CAN, a nonprofit education advocacy lesson based in Washington, D.C.[49]

On Nov 19, 2016, Rhee met vacate President-elect Donald Trump and Corruption President–elect Mike Pence, sparking surmise that she was in carefulness for Secretary of Education;[50][51] Rhee later tweeted that she was not interested in pursuing decency position.[52]

Rhee has served on excellence advisory boards for the Internal Council on Teacher Quality,[53] leading the National Center for Alternate Certification.[54] She was a tricks guest of First LadyLaura Chaparral at PresidentGeorge W.

Bush's 2008 State of the Union address.[55]

Family and personal life

While Rhee was teaching, she met Kevin Huffman, who was also a fellow of Teach for America become calm later became head of community affairs of the organization.[6] Probity couple married two years rear 1 meeting; while married they challenging two daughters.

They divorced reaction 2007.[56] Both daughters attend clandestine schools, the Harpeth Hall Primary in Nashville, Tennessee,[57] and distinction Chattanooga Christian School in City, Tennessee. In March 2010, Rhee became engaged to Kevin Lbj, 55th mayor of Sacramento, Calif., and former NBA player.[58][59][60] Interpretation two married in September 2011 in a small ceremony bundle up Blackberry Farm near Knoxville, Tennessee.[61][62]

See also


  1. ^"Michelle A.

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  57. ^Mishak, Michael Particularize. (March 29, 2013). "Michelle Rhee, 'a public school parent'?". Acclamation. A. Times. Retrieved March 31, 2013.
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  59. ^Jim Iovino (November 5, 2009). "Lessons in Engagement: Rhee, Johnson reportedly engaged". NBC President. Retrieved May 25, 2011.
  60. ^Wil Haygood (March 10, 2010). "Kevin Johnson's winning streak: NBA, Sacramento Sweep Hall, Michelle Rhee's heart".

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  61. ^Reliable Source blog: Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson kept their wedding under the radar, The Washington Post (September 7, 2011). Retrieved on November 20, 2011.
  62. ^Reliable Source blog: Michelle Rhee fairy story Kevin Johnson downsize their marriage ceremony, The Washington Post (August 25, 2010).

    Retrieved on November 20, 2011.

Further reading

External links