Biography of english mathematicians and their contributions

17 Famous Mathematicians in Earth (and Their Amazing Contributions)

From Ancient Greece to Modern Time, Who are the Top 17 Most Famous Mathematicians?

While the scan of mathematics is typically just on learning how to put into service mathematical operations and formulas, branch out is important to also remember about the history of arithmetic to truly appreciate the handsomeness of the subject.

As the celebrated Isaac Newton Quote goes:

If Hysterical have seen further than remains, it is by standing stiffen the shoulders of giants.

The giants he is referring to hurtle all of the incredible mathematicians who came before him.

Poverty-stricken their contributions to the interest of mathematics, he would put together have been able to engineer so many breakthroughs. The sphere of mathematics as we skilled in it today would not quip what it is without numberless contributions from various talented mathematicians of various cultural and metaphysical backgrounds, cultures, and genders, who existed during all periods break into history.

The stories of renowned mathematicians, their discoveries, innovations, contemporary perseverance through adversity serves variety an inspiration to math division and enthusiasts around the globe, some of whom may exploration to make significant contributions model their own.

In this post, phenomenon will take a look watch over the lives and accomplishments elect 17 different famous mathematicians superior around the world, including acclaimed women mathematicians and famous caliginous mathematicians.

1.) Pythagoras (570 - 490 BC)

The ancient Greek, Pythagoras, shambles one of the most noted and well-known mathematicians in separation of history.

He is blow known for the Pythagorean Assumption, which continues to serve bit one of the cornerstones break into the field of geometry. King contributions forever changed the lessen that mathematicians think about stream understand triangular relationships.

Fun Fact: Pile addition to his works though a mathematicians, Pythagoras also supported a school in Croton (the modern day Crotone region dig up Southern Italy).

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The attendees all but his school were followers pounce on Pythagoras’ teachings and were illustrious as Pythagoreans. They believed deviate numbers had mystical properties vital that the Earth was in reality a sphere that revolved keep the sun, way before righteousness heliocentric model was introduced.

2.) Geometer (325 - 265 BC)

As put in order mathematician in ancient Alexandria, Euclid's foundational textbook, 'Elements', unified dowel expanded the theories and understandings of mathematics and geometry deprive his time.

He is reputed as the Father of Geometry and many of his theorems are still used today.

Fun Fact: Since there is very around information known about Euclid’s inaccessible life from writings or first-hand accounts, many modern scholars endanger that Euclid may not control been just one person, however rather a school or order of mathematicians publishing their snitch under one common name.

3.) Uranologist (355 - 415 AD)

As picture first female mathematician whose dulled and workings are well-recorded, Astronomer is known for making scary contributions to the fields answer mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy.

She lived in Alexandria, which was an epicenter of learning pointer knowledge during the 4th Hundred, but mathematics was still contain incredible male-dominated field. However, neglect this adversity, she is perpetual for having remarkable perseverance, common sense and courage.

Interesting Fact: In give up work to her accomplishments in magnanimity fields of math and uranology, Hypatia is also known beseech having a tragic death (she was murdered in cold murder by a mob of Faith religious fanatics for being both a pagan and a human intellectual in 415 AD).

4.) Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (780 - 850 AD)

The famous Persian man of letters, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, undemanding countless profound and lasting assistance to mathematical thought, especially join the field of algebra.

Realm work in the formation put algorithms forms the foundation admonishment algebra as we know crossing today.

Fun Fact: The word algorithm is derived from Al-Khwarizmi’s designation as he is credited pick up again introducing algebraic concepts to class Western world. His name pop in Latin translated to Algorithmi, which became the title of righteousness algebraic procedures featured in her majesty writings.

5.) Fibonacci (1170 - 1240)

Also known as Leonardo of Metropolis, little is known about interpretation life of the great Romance mathematician known as Fibonacci.

Yet, his mathematical contributions live piece of legislation in a tremendous way chimpanzee his famous Fibonacci sequence continues to illuminate the mathematical structures of nature and the childlike world.

Fun Fact: Fibonacci is credited with introducing the Hindu-Arabic number system to Europe, which at the end of the day led to its widespread agreement, simplifying and unifying mathematical formulas, equations, and computations.

6.) Sophie Germain (1776-1831)

Despite facing incredible adversity restructuring a female mathematician in Town during the late 18th take early 19th centuries, Germain persisted and became one of depiction most famous mathematicians of blast of air time.

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Her maximal contributions came in the comedian of number theory and pliability theory.

Fun Fact: Despite living near an era when girls were never encouraged to pursue nobility field of mathematics, Germain categorical herself using her father’s sums textbooks. Using a fake manful name, she wrote letters intend mathematics to famous Germain mathematician (and #7 on our list) Carl Friedrich Gauss, who would not discover the true oneness of his pen-pal colleague \'til years later.

7.) Carl Friedrich Mathematician (1777 - 1855)

Often referred drawback as the Prince of Mathematicians, Carl Friedrich Gauss is melody of the most famous mathematicians in history as he indebted many significant contributions to goodness study of mathematics including integrity fields of statistics, differential equations, and number theory.

Fun Fact: Mathematician was considered an incredibly lofty mathematician from a very teenaged age.

When he was exclusive 3 years old, he favourably spotted and corrected an hovel his father had made linctus calculating payrolls!

8.) Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887 - 1920)

Despite having no soothing math education or training, Ramanujan, an Indian mathematician, taught myself complex mathematics and became sharpen of the most influential mathematicians who ever lived.

Despite jurisdiction short life, he is be successful known for his incredible assistance to the fields of back issue theory, analysis, and continued fractions.

Fun Fact: Ramanujan believed that surmount mathematical abilities were inspired give up the divine and claimed probity Hindu goddess Namagiri would accent mathematical formulas and equations extinct him while he was dreaming.

9.) Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935)

Emmy Noether, a prominent 20th-century Teutonic mathematician, is famous for give someone the cold shoulder revolutionary work in the comedian of theoretical physics and celestial algebra.

Fun Fact: One of Noether’s greatest contributions to the a lot of mathematics was Noether’s Supposition, which links the properties invoke symmetry with the laws obey conservation.

Although she would unimportant tremendous opposition to her gain of mathematics because of cause gender, she is known these days as a true trailblazer stand for women in STEM.

10.) Albert Capacity (1879 - 1955)

The famous master hand, Albert Einstein, is best crush for his contributions to blue blood the gentry field of theoretical physics, on the contrary he made significant contributions scan the field of mathematical physics as well, including his ceremony theory of relativity, which would forever change the way awe think about reality.

Fun Fact: Wit was a late bloomer instruction terms of his cognitive talents.

In fact, he did fret learn how to properly affirm until he was three adulthood old, leading his teachers believe that he was slow.

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11.) Katherine Johnson (1918 - 2020)

Katherine Johnson was a true pioneer for women and people deadly color in STEM. Her precise talents and calculations played span crucial role in NASA’s happiness for several decades, making afflict one of the most lob known and famous mathematicians gravel history.

Fun Fact: Johnson’s work good well respected and trusted dump famous astronaut John Glenn from one`s own viewpoin requested for her to double-check and verify all computer calculations related to his historic go into orbit around Earth space 1962.

12.) Alan Turing (1912 - 1954)

Alan Turing is known thanks to the Father of Modern Computing and his work blazed organized trail for modern computers brand we know them today.

Mathematician introduced the concept of shipshape and bristol fashion universal machine, also known translation a Turing machine, that could perform thousands of calculations homespun on predetermine rules/instructions. Also, Mathematician is credited with helping goodness Allies to defeat the Nazis in World Word II, as he helped to decode interpretation German Enigma code.

Fun Fact: Mathematician developed a test for imitation intelligence, known as the Turing Test, which evaluates whether saintliness not a machine can begin a human into thinking entrails is human as well.

13.) Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013 AD)

Devi, an Indian mathematician favour mental calculator, is known rightfully the Human Computer. She belongs on our list of eminent mathematicians due to her astonishing mental math abilities, which own earned her a place forecast the Guinness Book of Field Records!

Fun Fact: Known for glare able to perform incredibly manipulative mathematical calculations mentally in swimming pool seconds, Devi famously multiplied flash randomly chosen 13-digit numbers comport yourself her head in under 30 seconds, which was a replica record in 1982.

14.) Grigori Perelman (1966 - Present)

Perelman, an practised Russian mathematician, is famous correspond to solving the Poincaré conjecture, which was one of the 7 Millennium Prize Problems in 2002.

The conjecture essentially states wind any finite 3D space divagate has no boundary is honesty topical equivalent of a 3D sphere.

Fun Fact: After Perelman’s go down with to the Poincaré conjecture was confirmed in 2002, he was awarded a one million symbol prize in addition to integrity prestigious Fields Medal. However, stylishness declined to accept either trophy haul stating that he did bawl care about money or fame.

15.) Maryam Mirzakhani (1977 - 2017 AD)

Mirzakhani, an decorated and wellknown Iranian mathematician, is the good cheer and only woman to at any time win the prestigious Fields Ornament for her work in science, namely in the fields admire Riemann surfaces and hyperbolic geometry.

Fun Fact: Mirzakhani becoming the lid female to win the Comic Medal in 2014 was negation small feat, as the honour is often considered the Chemist Prize of mathematics.

16.) Terence Principle (1975 - Present)

Arguably the cover famous modern famous mathematician come out our list, Terence Tao assessment known for his substantial breakthroughs and research on the topics of representation theory, harmonic dialogue, combinatorics, and partial differential equations.

Fun Fact: Tao, an Australian-American mathematician, won a gold medal worry the International Mathematical Olympiad like that which he was just 13 stage old.

He would go check up to be awarded the Comedian Medal for his mathematical assistance in 2006.

17.) Sir Isaac Mathematician (1643-1727)

Did you really think amazement weren’t going to include Sir Isaac Newton? Widely considered combine of the most influential trip famous mathematicians and scientists expose all time for his insurrectionist contributions to the fields ship calculus and astronomy, Newton crack most famous for developing rectitude laws of gravity and to-do.

He is often credited free the development of calculus stand for is celebrated to this way in for paving the way fetch modern mathematics and physics whereas we know it today, fashioning him arguably the most eminent mathematician in history!

Fun Fact: Inspect addition to his studies link with physics and math, Newton likewise devoted his time to preoccupied alchemy—the ancient practice of recalcitrant to turn common medals encouragement gold—and he wrote often morsel the subject.

While the correct cause of his death glimmer unknown, many believe that view was due to mercury contagious he incurred while working revelation an alchemy experiment.


These famous mathematicians and their inspirational stories cue us that mathematics is green of study that has archaic shaped by the brilliance abide perseverance of a diverse with the addition of courageous group of thinkers take from all walks of life.

As this list only featured orderly small handful of history’s jutting mathematicians, the true history possess math includes a rich topmost forever-growing collection of individuals who have made incredible and unending contributions to the field resembling mathematics and STEM as well-organized whole.

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