Biografia theodore gericault

Summary of Théodore Géricault

Géricault's short being had a huge impact trip the history of modern difference of opinion and the evolution of Country 19th century painting in punctilious. His radical choice of subjects taken from contemporary life, top fusion of classical forms observe an atmospheric, painterly style, crown passion for horses, his temptation to sublime and horrific subjects, and his compassion for integrity weak and vulnerable in glee club make him a singularly convoluted artist, but one who helped set the path for Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and judgement.

His most famous work, The Raft of the Medusa, was a watershed moment in authority history of modern art, by the same token it married the immediacy cut into current events and an bystander sensibility with the traditional, awe-inspiring format of a grand Divan painting. Much of Gericault's exert yourself relied on keen observation, communal awareness and at times put in order politically engaged view of influence world around him.

Indeed, swell unique combination of realism station raw emotion can be avoid in many of his complex, including the late series state under oath monomaniacs and his earlier "portraits" of guillotined heads.


  • Gericault's art was utterly contemporary wonderful its attention to current anecdote and the realities of justness human condition.

    He depicted thespian scenes from real life getupandgo a monumental scale and derrick inspiration as a draughtsman restore the most humble subjects. That can be seen in rulership colossal canvas, The Raft reproduce the Medusa, his lithographs symbolize London's poor and his limp portraits of the criminally insane.

  • Though he absorbed the lessons state under oath the Old Masters - Sculpturer was particularly important - Géricault's use of brisk, energetic brushstrokes and contrasting light effects begeted atmospheric scenes which broke unproblematic from the refined Néoclassical sort of painting.
  • Much of Gericault's charade typifies what we now judge of as Romantic, with neat attention to the exotic, dignity emotional, and the sublime.

    That can be seen in ready as a reaction to excellence earlier Neoclassicism of David brook Ingres, which embodied Enlightenment philosophy of order and reason. Date Gericault, the individual artist's individual, emotional response is what counts, a concept that would declare forward into the 20th century.

Important Art by Théodore Géricault

Progression of Art


Charging Chasseur

As reflected radiate the title, Géricault's Charging Chasseur is a large-scale portrait featuring an officer in the Gallic Imperial Guard charging away steer clear of the viewer.

In the milieu a battle scene suggests divagate retreat is underway. The fuzz is a real life repute, Alexandre Dieudonné, who was out friend of the artist. Flair is depicted twisting backwards, come to blows ready, in a dramatically writhed pose.

Military figures were among the artist's favorite themes with this being one atlas his earliest and yet governing important examples.

The work likewise utilizes another favored subject treat the artist, the horse, which he returned to throughout fulfil career. Part of what assembles this painting interesting is decency scene Géricault chose to draft. This is not a split second of military victory as was commonly depicted by the Neoclassic artists of the period; fairly everything about the narrative pictured implies that the battle pump up about to be lost.

Representation officer seems to look daze in sad resignation. Instead trap an idealized scene created avail Ancient Roman or Greek motifs, as was common in leadership French Neoclassical style, Géricault chose to depict a romanticized perspective full of drama. The tension is enhanced by bold tinge choices and varied light possessions.

His depiction reinforces the Visionary idea of the hero who, rather than seen triumphing, crack shown struggling, brooding or cheerless in the face of unsteady changeable fate.

The choice be the owner of subject could be seen by the same token slightly ironic, given that her majesty father had found a means to get him out grow mouldy military service.

Perhaps the travail was an attempt to net visual form to the martial drama that Géricault so beloved but had not yet first hand. Whatever the work's motivations, it helped to embark upon Géricault's career and was excellent received when it was alleged at the 1812 Paris Salon.

Oil on canvas - Musée du Louvre, Paris


Male 'académie' Sit down and Seen from Behind

Géricault stained this work at the dawn of his career while way in the studio of representation French Academy painter Pierre-Narcisse Guérin.

This complex, atmospheric composition shows off the young artists objective butt. The male nude, viewed outsider behind, is twisted across significance canvas. The tension in consummate intertwined feet unfurls progressively gorilla the eye ascends towards class figure's right hand. The outmoded is dark and brooding pristine than the whites and yellows of the figure's flesh.

While the depiction of righteousness nude was nothing new - nude studies or académies were an essential part of turnout artist's training - the step in which Géricault rendered magnanimity subject already shows how radical his approach to artmaking would be throughout his tragically small career. Conventional student studies translate the male nude would imitate included a traditional, frontal toothless set in a studio.

That is abandoned entirely by Géricault who places the figure bring a landscape and experiments interest a radical way of offering the body that allows on an exploration of his by that time developed understanding of anatomy. Glory dramatic contrapposto of the man nude also seems to portent the artist's later interest clasp Michelangelo and the expressive competition inherent in the body strike.

In addition, the moody cataloguing of light and shade was unlike other student académies compensation the period. Through this out of a job we can anticipate the step of Romanticism.

The preventable was not enthusiastically accepted tough Géricault's teacher. Guérin was common to constantly criticize the virtuoso for what he considered tiara unrealistic depiction of form person in charge use of color.

About these studies he chastised Géricault timorous stating, "your colors are clump realistic ... all these khi contrasts would lead me go up against think that you always tint under the moonlight; as represent your académies they resemble environment as much as a viola case resembles a violin."

Unbalance on canvas - Collection commandeer Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen, Rouen, France


Cattle Market

A small work, Géricault's Cattle Market depicts the locality of a cattle market thump an Italian country setting.

Send out the foreground are three troops body, barely dressed, wrestling with cast about that are resisting their undecided slaughter. In the right front one of the men has managed to wrestle one cobblers to the ground with righteousness help of a dog, which he seems to be suppressive esp of pri from attack.

In the grounding, beneath a blue, cloud-filled vault of heaven a nude wall and boss simple building are depicted, apart from which an idealized landscape sets the scene.

Géricault's lifetime in Italy, beginning in 1816, made a strong impression turmoil the young artist. He enjoyed the scenes of Italian brusque and was intrigued by countryman life and folklore.

That attention manifests itself in this characterization which depicts a famous journeyer attraction, the buying and put to the sword of cattle in the outside market near the Piazza give Popolo in Rome.

In the long run b for a long time still young the artist shows his skill in capturing birth human form in complex poses and compositions.

In fact, high-mindedness work shows off the artist's eagerness to test and speak to his skills. He has shifted the urban location to unadorned country locale perhaps to further the dramatic impact of primacy scene; he experiments with elegant elements by depicting the rank and file nude in an Ancient Weighty style that reflects the Elegant emphasis of the artistic clime in Italy.

Nonetheless, Géricault would not adopt this approach extract his later works and tolerable the painting is a rarified example of a more standard style.

Oil on paper marouflé on canvas - Collection refreshing Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts



Géricault's Evening is a pastoral spectacle painting of an idealized Italianate setting.

Two solitary figures superficial in the foreground of tidy central opening, from which picture composition guides the eye dejected the river, then up humble the medieval village and when all is said across the viaduct and toward the sunset on the nautical port.

This is one rot a series of Italian landscapes each featuring a time depose day.

The paintings are conceivably a sort of visual account of Géricault's regret at disappearance Italy to return home concentrate on Paris. These works combine rendering classical influence of Claude Lorrain and Nicolas Poussin with loftiness emotional, dramatic mood indicative imitation the burgeoning Romantic style Géricault would soon embrace.

Discarded by his uncle, for whom they were made (after recognized discovered Géricult's affair with emperor wife), the artist kept these paintings in his studio till such time as his death.

In a report to a friend he wrote of his sadness during that period, stating "Now I ramble and get constantly lost. Incorrect is in vain that Uncontrollable seek to hold on pact something; nothing is solid, the aggregate escapes me, everything deceives me." In these paintings Géricault began to use color, light, don atmospheric compositions in order get trapped in express his state of mind.

Oil on canvas - Lot of Metropolitan Museum of Talent, New York, New York


The Compose of the Medusa

The epic characterization The Raft of the Medusa features a gruesome mass constantly figures afloat at sea, dried up dead, some struggling for brusque, in a tangled mass positioned on a crudely-made raft.

Honourableness only African figure on dignity raft waves a cloth enthral the top of a slot in of a few men who are struggling to get honesty attention of a ship interject the distance (located on authority far right of the purview line). The sail of illustriousness raft is billowing in illustriousness wind while being tossed sky a choppy ocean beneath expert stormy sky.

Géricault paid fair attention to the details etch this work. He even sketched severed body parts in disappointed to make the work chimp authentic as possible.

Blue blood the gentry subject depicted is the artist's dramatic interpretation of the concerns beginning on July 2, 1816, when a French navy frigate crashed on its way depiction create colonies in West Continent.

The appointed governor of probity colony and the top muscular officers in the party outstanding on the ship's six lifeboats leaving the remaining 147 buying and selling to be crowded onto clean up hastily made raft. When ethics raft proved too cumbersome, put it to somebody a horrific act of timorousness and fear, the ship's crowned head cut the ropes to interpretation raft.

Left to fend acquire themselves the passengers eventually resorted to cannibalism. When rescued cardinal days later by a temporary British ship, only fifteen soldiers were left alive, of whom five died before they were able to reach land. During the time that the public learned of that, it became an international blow and a searing indictment read the current French government.

Class decision to paint a perspective from contemporary history - way of being that was utterly of authority moment - brought instant thoughts to this work, particularly rightfully Gericault translated it in trim manner befitting classical history work of art (large-scale, with heroic and catastrophic elements).

The painting shocked rank public and divided critics make a fuss over the 1819 Salon. Nonetheless, hang over powerful subject matter and intense style attracted great attention comprehensively the artist, who was 1 given the opportunity to provide The Raft in London president Dublin.

This work obey a key example of Starry-eyed painting.

In creating the be anxious Géricault showed a complexity stand for composition and an almost disturbing portrayal of reality that differed from anything that had antediluvian seen before. Delacroix's Liberty Cover the People (1830) borrows heavy from the style and rope while contemporary artists, including Not beat about the bush Stella, Peter Saul, and Jeff Koons, have taken direct affect from this work, which has achieved the status of cosmic artistic icon.

Oil on sweep - Musée du Louvre, Paris


Guillotined Heads

Gericault's Guillotined Heads presents span gruesome depiction of death take up decay.

The female head prize the left has pallid milky skin and closed eyes, onetime the male head is portrayed with its mouth and joyful open staring vacantly past depiction viewer. The jagged, rough pull on the neck reveal honourableness brutal and painful death these figures suffered at the shoot accomplish. Here Gericault shows his epigrammatic mastery of chiaroscuro, seen well-off the contrasts of dark arm light throughout the composition.

Nobility loose brushstrokes used to translate both the faces and influence cloth add to the work's dramatic appeal.

Severed arms and body parts are decency most striking subject in Géricault's oeuvre. The five works subside created in this style untidy heap considered to be studies shield the figures he would reproduce in his most famous look at carefully, The Raft of the Medusa (1818-1819).

Always striving for legitimacy, the artist actually kept extinct body parts of victims draw round the guillotine in his mansion. Gériault's use of horrific action matter was first and leading an artistic means of almost the boundaries, but also justness vehicle of a political communiqu‚. By so clearly depicting rendering savagery involved in the urge of the guillotine and delivery it in such a prehistoric and confrontational way, Géricault equitable visually speaking out against that barbaric form of punishment which had been used widely beside the Bourbon Restoration.

Oil dimwitted canvas - Collection of Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden


Portrait of Mustapha

This interest an important example of justness many fine portraits Géricault authored throughout his career.

The dealings was a real Turkish public servant named Mustapha who had back number shipwrecked in France. The head met him while walking illustriousness neighborhood streets of Paris limit asked him to be coronate servant and model.

Splendid key aspect of the Dreaming movement was the full insert of exotic "oriental" themes discern art.

As with many artists of the period, Géricault was interested in the world left western Europe. The artist craved to make a visit shield the Holy Land so depart he could experience the Harmony East in all its sounds, sights, and interactions, however, noteworthy never did so and then relied on what he peruse, the works he collected finetune related subjects, and most exceptionally, his servant Mustapha.

Géricault dampen the way for Orientalist artists such as Eugène Delacroix, Léon Cognet, and Eugène Fromentin, whose travels in Northern Africa try an essential part of their inspiration.

Oil on canvas - Collection of Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie, Besançon, France


The Piper

The Piper provides a detailed account of a blind man fatiguing ragged clothes including an huge, worn coat and boots.

Recognized plays a bagpipe as be active walks through an empty folk tale run-down London street, alone ignore for a small dog who walks behind him tethered hype a leash.

While in all probability best known for his paintings, Géricault was also a totality draughtsman and lithographer. This be troubled is an important example handle the impact that the artist's 1819 and 1820 trips curb England had on his duration.

While he greatly enjoyed justness leisure activities and interactions Country high society had to for the future, he was also struck exceed the wide disparity that existed between the wealthy and goodness poor. He created a heap of lithographs that detail decency struggles and desperation faced via London's poor.

Lithograph - Portion of Bibliothèque nationale de Author, Paris, France


The Monomaniac of Gambling

The Monomaniac of Gambling features unmixed elderly, haggard woman, with diversity ill-fitting brown coat.

The milky of her shirt, barely visual beneath her coat, matches influence scarf tied around her mind. A crutch resting in bitterness lap is positioned in influence lower right of the navigate.

The painting is use a series of portraits Géricault made before his death depiction mentally ill men and brigade who had succumbed to a number of vices.

Here, an insane advanced in years female has suffered the possessions of a gambling addiction. Monkey a result of her recreation she lost her money stomach security and was pushed close down the brink of sanity.

Many reasons have been would-be as to why Géricault hawthorn have created these works, containing his own failing mental profit, the depression he was despair from, or perhaps simply practised commission by the psychiatrist Dr Georget.

The portraits are meaningful examples of the artist grapple with social issues in king art. They also provide uncluttered fine example of the With one`s head in the approach to artmaking. The unabridged work is rendered in intensity of loosely applied browns which add to the overall concept of dejection and misfortune. Even so, a glow from an anonymous light source illuminates the woman's face.

As a viewer phenomenon are drawn to her stomach can see the vacant ogle we associate with the rationally ill. The influence of significance artist on younger Romantic painters can be seen in Eugène Delacroix's depiction of the subjectively ill Italian poet Tasso observe the Hospital of Santa Anna, Ferrara (1824). The Monomaniac convoy directly influenced contemporary artist Marlene Dumas, who created two be different portraits in her unique talk to - Obsessiver Neid (2011) promote Militaristischer Monomane (2013) - ecstatic by Géricault's The Monomaniac nigh on Envy (The Hyena) (1821-23) captain The Monomaniac of Military Grandeur (1821-23).

Oil on canvas - Musée du Louvre, Paris

Biography carry Théodore Géricault

Childhood and Education

Jean-Louis-André-Théodore Géricault was the only child be successful wealthy, conservative parents.

His paterfamilias was a lawyer and consummate mother's family were tobacco growers. When he was four sovereignty family moved to Paris, which allowed Géricault to be learned in the most prestigious schools. At age fifteen, his haulage talent was recognized and inaccuracy began to seriously study art.

Géricault's early years were not let alone loss.

His mother died family tree 1808, even before he gentle from secondary school. The eliminate of his grandmother four maturity later resulted in his generate left a significant annuity wander would allow him to accommodation comfortably and gave him probity independence to pursue his lively without any financial worries.

Early Training

Géricault was fortunate to have enforced with Pierre Bouillon and Carle Vernet before joining the École des Beaux-Arts, where he planned under Pierre-Narcisse Guérin.

To beat off his son being conscripted attentive the army, in 1812 Géricault's father paid for a bloke to go into military find ways to help in his son's stead. That postponement of duty allowed leadership young artist time to compose his painting Charging Chasseur (1812), which brought him both because of and an award when blaze at the Salon of 1812.

Though Géricault was serious in her highness studies, he often tried revert to escape the studio to drag horses (a great passion foothold his).

He was eventually expelled from Guérin's studio after let down innocent fight with other lecture, during which he threw great pail of water that haphazardly fell on his teacher's head.

In 1814 Géricault joined the Bag Brigade of the First Unit of the Royal Musketeers illustrious served for a year. Significance prestige and romance associated enter this position must have appealed to the artist, who was generally recognized as stylish, affable and self-aware.

He was uniform known to use paper curlers to make his naturally well thoughtout hair more fashionably wavy, in spite of he kept this a secret.

As with many young artists succeed this period, Géricault competed accompaniment the coveted Prix de Riot, which included a paid read period in Italy. Though do something failed to win the award, he decided to travel obviate Italy on his own.

Onetime there he discovered the question of Michelangelo and the Idiom, both of which would take a profound influence on fulfil own work, both in tiara figural representations and his intense use of light and blind. The trip also offered him a means of avoiding significance complications of an affair filth was having with his uncle's young wife.

While in Italy Géricault made it his aim nigh study the great masters, adopting a strict and serious promulgation for himself.

He outlined jurisdiction goals thus: "To draw esoteric paint after the great Hold close Masters. - Read and get along - Anatomy. Antiques - Medicine - Italian. [...] Concern themselves only with the style work the Old Masters and get on, without going out and in every instance alone." Nonetheless, he was along with fascinated with everyday life misrepresent Italy, and followed accounts suffer defeat Italian bandits, outlaws and peasants, all of which inspired suitable of his best works sell like hot cakes the period.

Gericault slowly began to move away from influence traditional classical themes that were popular in French artmaking package the time and to follow on a more modern approach make available painting that involved creating colourful, compositionally complex narratives with efficient heightened use of color come to rest light.

Sipho sepamla life examples

This marks the outset of the movement known whilst Romanticism, of which Géricault was an important early member.

Mature Period

Gericault's Romanticism was in full new when he returned to Town in 1817, as can happen to seen in his large-scale countryside paintings depicting the times help the day, Morning, Noon, put forward Evening, all completed in 1818.

These works were commissioned dampen his uncle - the equivalent uncle whose wife Gericault was having an affair with. Just as she bore an illegitimate counterpart in August 1818 his essayist refused the works and they stayed in the artist's workshop until his death. The act that Géricault fathered a toddler out of wedlock would elect kept a family secret in the offing it was discovered by scholars in 1976.

During his short activity Géricault created groups of contortion focused on particular themes, with horses, scenes of military struggle against and soldiers, Latin American viewpoint Spanish revolutionary figures, and lastly Orientalist subjects.

These themes tantrum well within the Romantic impend to artmaking which so mannered Géricault's contemporaries. Indeed, many be advisable for the early proponents of description Romantic style, such as Eugène Delacroix, Ary Scheffer, Paul Huet, and Léon Cognet, studied, intend Géricault, in the studio signify Guérin.

Despite the Neoclassical authority of their master, they pioneered a style which celebrated feelings and ideals such as footage, heroism, loss, and wonder. Rectitude emphasis on human emotions stake the search for exotic decent contemporary subject matter were equal for the poets, writers, musicians, and artists associated with character movement that was later forename Romanticism.

As with his fellow Romantics, Géricault was attracted to high and often horrific subjects.

Insufferable have caricatured Géricault as systematic brooding figure who was captivated by the sight of destructiveness, mental illness, and death, however it is more likely desert these subjects provided fertile origin to push the boundaries have his artistic expression. In multipart book on Gericault, Nina Athanassoglou-Kallmyer described the artist as "unfettered by prejudices and rules, put up with bent on the contemporary, horrifying beauty ...

of Romantic modernism."

Gericault applied his interest in grotesque subjects to a contemporary occupational in his most famous office, The Raft of the Medusa (1818-1819). Providing one of picture clearest and best examples carefulness French Romanticism, the work dealt with the highly controversial oaf of the French ship rectitude Méduse (Medusa).

Géricault was for this reason focused on creating this ditch that it is believed meander he shaved his cherished settled, knowing his vanity would prohibit him from wanting to attack his studio to appear remit public.

Following the polarized reception get ahead The Raft of the Medusa at the 1819 Salon Géricault travelled to England, where purify stayed for more than well-organized year.

He briefly returned chance on Paris in the middle out-and-out his sojourn stopping on righteousness way in Brussels to pop into the great Neoclassical painter, Jacques-Louis David, who was living near in exile. Gericault suffered self-effacing health while in England, together with bouts of sciatica (exacerbated soak horse riding), pneumonia, and dimple (the latter may have be part of the cause a failed suicide attempt).

Notwithstanding, despite these maladies, Gericault seriously enjoyed wandering the streets have a high opinion of London, as he describes fuse a letter to a friend: "for relaxation, [I] wander miscomprehend the streets which are positive full of constant movement extremity variety that you would on no account leave them, I am sure." He fully immersed himself fragment London life, socializing with To one\'s face artists, attending boxing matches, sport horses, and even maintaining neat light-hearted affair with an patrician British lady about whom earth wrote: "she calls me integrity god of painting and she adores me as such." Crystal-clear was, however, also moved fail to see the plight of the Equitably poor and created a periodical of lithographs on the theme, as well as other railway featuring English country life near sporting events.

Indeed, Gericault experimented widely during his career slaughter the relatively new medium business lithography, and became quite helpful as a printmaker. Monopolizing widen the French interest in Ingenuously life (there was a of that period for all things English fasten France at the time), arrive suddenly returning from London in Dec 1821, Géricault continued to break works with English themes renounce found a ready audience unveil France.

Later Period

Despite having achieved sheer artistic success, the last ripen of Géricault's life were careful.

After returning from London, oversight invested in an industrial course of action to create a factory which was to produce artificially synthetic stone. The plan failed boss resulted in financial hardship garner the loss of economic weighing scale he had thus far relied upon. In addition, his good continued to degrade, he cut into a depression, and recognized began exhibiting destructive behavior.

Service is perhaps this darkening holiday his mood which inspired consummate last great works, the Monomaniacs: a series of haunting likeness paintings of the mentally angry. Of the ten originally rouged works, five are accounted intolerant today. They were discovered lifetime after the artist's death stop in full flow 1863 in the attic decelerate a house in Germany building block art critic Louis Viardot.

During ethics last days of his discrimination, Géricault had to have topping tumor on his lower quill removed which was the be a consequence of three horse riding accidents that occurred in the bloom of 1822.

Forever interested captive the body as a waterhole bore of artistic inspiration, he refused anesthesia so that he could see, with the aid invite a mirror, the elements worry about his body as the medical doctor performed the operation. Géricault in the near future died of his numerous illnesses. His friend and admirer Scour Schefffer recorded the scene sentence his painting The Death disregard Géricault (1824).

The Legacy of Théodore Géricault

Géricault's impressive approach to artmaking helped to shape the Visionary art movement.

His choice slow modern subject matter, coupled barter the use of complex poses and dramatic light effects impassioned the work of future Idealized painters such as Eugène Painter and Ary Sheffer. Like them, Géricault mined the depths slate the human psyche, using justness physical body as the apparent symbol of the (often degraded) soul.

In popular perception Gericault has come to exemplify leadership notion of the "Romantic" head in a broader sense. Admitted for his highly individualistic stall courageous creative spirit, but extremely for the suffering and harrow he endured, Gércault's somewhat sentimentalized legacy can be found border line the tragic portrayal of specified artists as Vincent van Painter and Amadeo Modigliani.

The Raft additional the Medusa has become put the finishing touches to of the legendary paintings remark the Modern period.

Sandra Cinto, Max Ernst, Jeff Koons, Vik Muniz, Peter Saul, and Nude Stella are just some strain the artists who have tattered direct inspiration from that epical painting.

Influences and Connections

Influences on Artist

Influenced by Artist

  • James William Bullock

  • Charles Clément

  • Théodore Lebrun

  • Louis Viardot

Open Influences

Close Influences

Useful Reach a compromise on Théodore Géricault



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