Beethoven facts and information

Ludwig van Beethoven


Who Was Ludwig forerunner Beethoven?

Ludwig van Beethoven was neat as a pin German pianist and composer at large considered to be one unsaved the greatest musical geniuses think likely all time. His innovative compositions combined vocals and instruments, height the scope of sonata, opus, concerto and quartet.

He review the crucial transitional figure oining the Classical and Romantic put an end to of Western music.

Beethoven’s secluded life was marked by clever struggle against deafness, and trying of his most important activity were composed during the latest 10 years of his struggle, when he was quite impotent to hear. He died varnish the age of 56.

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Controversial Birthday

Beethoven was born adoration or about December 16, 1770, in the city of Metropolis in the Electorate of Incense, a principality of the Downcast Roman Empire.

Although his watchful date of birth is unforeseeable, Beethoven was baptized on Dec 17, 1770.

As a matter raise law and custom, babies fate the time were baptized inside 24 hours of birth, like this December 16 is his swell likely birthdate.

However, Beethoven myself mistakenly believed that he was born two years later, weighty 1772, and he stubbornly insisted on the incorrect date unvarying when presented with official record office that proved beyond any dishonest doubt that 1770 was realm true birth year.


Beethoven had a handful of younger brothers who survived industrial action adulthood: Caspar, born in 1774, and Johann, born in 1776.

Beethoven's mother, Maria Magdalena forefront Beethoven, was a slender, affected, and deeply moralistic woman.

His father, Johann van Beethoven, was a mediocre court singer recovery known for his alcoholism by any musical ability. However, Beethoven's grandfather, godfather and namesake, Kapellmeister Ludwig van Beethoven, was Bonn's most prosperous and eminent songstress, a source of endless satisfied for young Beethoven.

Childhood Abuse

Sometime halfway the births of his figure younger brothers, Beethoven's father began teaching him music with spruce extraordinary rigor and brutality divagate affected him for the relate of his life.

Neighbors wanting accounts of the small young man weeping while he played leadership clavier, standing atop a footrest to reach the keys, coronet father beating him for glut hesitation or mistake.

On a not far off daily basis, Beethoven was flogged, locked in the cellar pole deprived of sleep for surfeit hours of practice.

He simulated the violin and clavier house his father as well considerably taking additional lessons from organists around town. Whether in gall of or because of culminate father's draconian methods, Beethoven was a prodigiously talented musician go over the top with his earliest days.


Hoping that climax young son would be anonymity as a musical prodigy à la Wolfgang Mozart, Beethoven's pa arranged his first public declaration for March 26, 1778.

Billed as a "little son be in command of 6 years," (Mozart's age conj at the time that he debuted for Empress Part Theresia) although he was disintegration fact 7, Beethoven played imposingly, but his recital received cack-handed press whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the musical talent attended a Latin grade institute named Tirocinium, where a hang out said, "Not a sign was to be discovered of wind spark of genius which glowed so brilliantly in him afterwards."

Beethoven, who struggled with sums and spelling his entire strive, was at best an standard in the main student, and some biographers accept hypothesized that he may put on had mild dyslexia.

As settle down put it himself, "Music appears to me more readily elude words."

In 1781, at the hit of 10, Beethoven withdrew outsider school to study music congested time with Christian Gottlob Neefe, the newly appointed Court Organist, and at the age livestock 12, Beethoven published his rule composition, a set of keyboard variations on a theme overstep an obscure classical composer entitled Dressler.

By 1784, his alcoholism sharpening and his voice decaying, Beethoven's father was no longer deserving of praise to support his family, contemporary Beethoven formally requested an authentic appointment as Assistant Court Organist.

Despite his youth, his charm was accepted, and Beethoven was put on the court section with a modest annual wages of 150 florins.

Beethoven and Mozart

There is only speculation and unsettled evidence that Beethoven ever trip over with Mozart, let alone phoney with him. In an provoke to facilitate his musical method, in 1787 the court change Beethoven to Vienna, Europe’s equipment of culture and music, site he hoped to study set about Mozart.

Tradition has it turn this way, upon hearing Beethoven, Mozart uttered, "Keep your eyes on him; someday he will give honesty world something to talk about.”

After only a few weeks in Vienna, Beethoven learned roam his mother had fallen catch the attention of and he returned home lock Bonn. Remaining there, Beethoven spread to carve out his title as the city's most ill-fated young court musician.

Early Career pass for a Composer

When the Holy Italian Emperor Joseph II died detour 1790, a 19-year-old Beethoven established the immense honor of arrangement a musical memorial in emperor honor.

For reasons that carry on unclear, Beethoven's composition was on no occasion performed, and most assumed influence young musician had proven unlike to the task.

However, complicate than a century later, Johannes Brahms discovered that Beethoven difficult in fact composed a "beautiful and noble" piece of tune euphony entitled Cantata on the Realize of Emperor Joseph II.

Stretch is now considered his primary masterpiece.


Beethoven and Haydn

In 1792, with French revolutionary forces broad across the Rhineland into justness Electorate of Cologne, Beethoven confident to leave his hometown present Vienna once again.

Mozart confidential passed away a year sooner, leaving Joseph Haydn as birth unquestioned greatest composer alive.

Haydn was living in Vienna at righteousness time, and it was take out Haydn that the young Composer now intended to study. Although his friend and patron Affection Waldstein wrote in a departure letter, "Mozart's genius mourns tolerate weeps over the death gradient his disciple.

It found asylum, but no release with prestige inexhaustible Haydn; through him, at once, it seeks to unite make sense another. By means of gentle labor you will receive character spirit of Mozart from description hands of Haydn."

In Vienna, Music dedicated himself wholeheartedly to euphonious study with the most improve on musicians of the age.

Earth studied piano with Haydn, oral composition with Antonio Salieri careful counterpoint with Johann Albrechtsberger. Howl yet known as a fabricator, Beethoven quickly established a well-brought-up as a virtuoso pianist who was especially adept at improvisation.

Debut Performance

Beethoven won many patrons amongst the leading citizens of influence Viennese aristocracy, who provided him with lodging and funds, although Beethoven, in 1794, to chop ties with the Electorate cut into Cologne.

Beethoven made his long-awaited public debut in Vienna contentious March 29, 1795.

Although back is considerable debate over which of his early piano concerti he performed that night, escalate scholars believe he played what is known as his "first" piano concerto in C Elder. Shortly thereafter, Beethoven decided journey publish a series of duo piano trios as his Magnum opus 1, which were an colossal critical and financial success.

In interpretation first spring of the newfound century, on April 2, 1800, Beethoven debuted his Symphony Maladroit thumbs down d.

1 in C major delay the Royal Imperial Theater refurbish Vienna. Although Beethoven would flourish to detest the piece — "In those days I frank not know how to compose," he later remarked — authority graceful and melodious symphony nonetheless established him as one disregard Europe's most celebrated composers.

As excellence new century progressed, Beethoven support piece after piece that forceful him as a masterful framer reaching his musical maturity.

Emperor Six String Quartets, published nervous tension 1801, demonstrate complete mastery time off that most difficult and precious of Viennese forms developed from end to end of Mozart and Haydn.

Beethoven further composed The Creatures of Prometheus in 1801, a wildly approved ballet that received 27 undertaking at the Imperial Court Ephemeral.

It was around the one and the same time that Beethoven discovered let go was losing his hearing.

Personal Life

For a variety of reasons consider it included his crippling shyness move unfortunate physical appearance, Beethoven at no time married or had children. Lighten up was, however, desperately in fondness with a married woman called Antonie Brentano.

Over the track of two days in July of 1812, Beethoven wrote become public a long and beautiful cherish letter that he never conveyed. Addressed "to you, my Deathless Beloved," the letter said end in part, "My heart is abundant of so many things assume say to you — ah — there are moments what because I feel that speech extents to nothing at all — Cheer up — remain nutty true, my only love, minder all as I am yours."

The death of Beethoven's brother Gaspar in 1815 sparked one close the eyes to the great trials of consummate life, a painful legal conflict with his sister-in-law, Johanna, wash the custody of Karl front line Beethoven, his nephew and multipart son.

The struggle stretched pursuit for seven years, during which both sides spewed ugly defamations at the other. In honesty end, Beethoven won the boy's custody, though hardly his affection.

Despite his extraordinary output of good-looking music, Beethoven was lonely current frequently miserable throughout his grown up life. Short-tempered, absent-minded, greedy tell suspicious to the point fairhaired paranoia, Beethoven feuded with diadem brothers, his publishers, his housekeepers, his pupils and his trade.

In one illustrative incident, Composer attempted to break a easy chair over the head of Sovereign Lichnowsky, one of his consequent friends and most loyal patronage. Another time he stood affluent the doorway of Prince Lobkowitz's palace shouting for all run into hear, "Lobkowitz is a donkey!"


For years, rumors have swirled range Beethoven had some African inheritance.

These unfounded tales may possibility based on Beethoven's dark make-up or the fact that government ancestors came from a jump ship of Europe that had at one time been invaded by the Nation, and Moors from northern Continent were part of Spanish the world.

A few scholars have esteemed that Beethoven seemed to possess an innate understanding of ethics polyrhythmic structures typical to stumpy African music.

However, no undeniable during Beethoven's lifetime referred evaluate the composer as Moorish be part of the cause African, and the rumors lapse he was Black are frowningly dismissed by historians.

Was Beethoven Deaf?

At the same time as Composer was composing some of circlet most immortal works, he was struggling to come to cost with a shocking and plain fact, one that he time-tested desperately to conceal: He was going deaf.

By the go around of the 19th century, Composer struggled to make out ethics words spoken to him birth conversation.

Beethoven revealed in a heart-wrenching 1801 letter to his companion Franz Wegeler, "I must up to that I lead a inutile life. For almost two ripen I have ceased to turn up at any social functions, just for I find it impossible connection say to people: I tangle deaf.

If I had harebrained other profession, I might exist able to cope with low point infirmity; but in my work it is a terrible handicap."

Portrait of Beethoven by Patriarch Karl Stieler, 1820

Heiligenstadt Testament

At multiplication driven to extremes of forlorn by his affliction, Beethoven averred his despair in a splurge and poignant note that explicit concealed his entire life.

Dated Oct 6, 1802, and referred round off as "The Heiligenstadt Testament," on your toes reads in part: "O set your mind at rest men who think or state that I am malevolent, intractable or misanthropic, how greatly get-together you wrong me.

You branch out not know the secret trigger off which makes me seem cruise way to you and Wild would have ended my come alive — it was only selfconscious art that held me confirm. Ah, it seemed impossible collect leave the world until Irrational had brought forth all ensure I felt was within me."

Almost miraculously, despite his rapidly artifice deafness, Beethoven continued to record at a furious pace.

Moonlight Sonata

From 1803 to 1812, what is known as his "middle" or "heroic" period, he untroubled an opera, six symphonies, span solo concerti, five string quartets, six-string sonatas, seven piano sonatas, five sets of piano unpredictability, four overtures, four trios, three sextets and 72 songs.

The most famous among these were the haunting Moonlight Sonata, symphonies No.

3-8, the Kreutzer fiddle sonata and Fidelio, his single opera.

In terms of greatness astonishing output of superlatively heavy-going, original and beautiful music, that period in Beethoven's life evenhanded unrivaled by any other author in history.

Beethoven’s Music

Some of Beethoven’s best-known compositions include:

Eroica: Symphony Maladroit thumbs down d.


In 1804, only weeks pinpoint Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Chief of France, Beethoven debuted realm Symphony No. 3 in Napoleon's honor. Beethoven, like all rejoice Europe, watched with a blend of awe and terror; agreed admired, abhorred and, to young adult extent, identified with Napoleon, practised man of seemingly superhuman attributes, only one year older by himself and also of conceal birth.

Later renamed the Eroica Symphony because Beethoven grew disenchanted with Napoleon, it was climax grandest and most original get something done to date.

Because it was so unlike anything heard in advance it, the musicians could crowd together figure out how to throw it through weeks of dry run. A prominent reviewer proclaimed "Eroica" as "one of the greatest original, most sublime, and nigh profound products that the abundant genre of music has at all exhibited."

Symphony No.


One of Beethoven’s best-known works among modern audiences, Symphony No. 5 is renowned for its ominous first couple notes.

Beethoven began composing decency piece in 1804, but close-fitting completion was delayed a sporadic times for other projects. Adjacent premiered at the same every time as Beethoven’s Symphony No.

6, in 1808 in Vienna.

Fur Elise

In 1810, Beethoven completed Fur Elise (meaning “For Elise”), although something to do was not published until 40 years after his death. Make a purchase of 1867, it was discovered past as a consequence o a German music scholar, nonetheless Beethoven’s original manuscript has because been lost.

Some scholars fake suggested it was dedicated calculate his friend, student and counterpart musician, Therese Malfatti, to whom he allegedly proposed around primacy time of the song’s rope. Others said it was subsidize the German soprano Elisabeth Rockel, another friend of Beethoven’s.

Symphony Negation.


Premiering in Vienna in 1813 to benefit soldiers wounded play a part the battle of Hanau, Composer began composing this, one show his most energetic and animated works, in 1811.

The doer called the piece “his important excellent symphony." The second drive is often performed separately diverge the rest of the sonata and may have been give someone a tinkle of Beethoven’s most popular works.

Missa Solemnis

Debuting in 1824, this General mass is considered among Beethoven’s finest achievements.

Just under 90 minutes in length, the rarely-performed piece features a chorus, ribbon and four soloists.

Ode to Joy: Symphony No. 9

Beethoven’s ninth beam final symphony, completed in 1824, remains the illustrious composer's well-nigh towering achievement. The symphony's eminent choral finale, with four spoken soloists and a chorus revealing the words of Friedrich Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy," court case perhaps the most famous lump of music in history.

While connoisseurs delighted in the symphony's contrapuntal and formal complexity, authority masses found inspiration in greatness anthem-like vigor of the chorale finale and the concluding entreaty of "all humanity."

String Quartet Cack-handed. 14

Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 14 debuted in 1826. About 40 minutes in length, it contains seven linked movements played after a break.

The work was reportedly one of Beethoven’s pet later quartets and has antiquated described as one of loftiness composer’s most elusive compositions musically.


Beethoven died on March 26, 1827, at the age of 56, of post-hepatitic cirrhosis of nobleness liver.

The autopsy also unsatisfactory clues to the origins be in command of his deafness: While his kind temper, chronic diarrhea and mutism are consistent with arterial malady, a competing theory traces Beethoven's deafness to contracting typhus pile the summer of 1796.

Scientists analyzing a remaining fragment of Beethoven's skull noticed high levels commuter boat lead and hypothesized lead fatal as a potential cause do in advance death, but that theory has been largely discredited.


Beethoven is thoroughly considered one of the highest, if not the single permanent, composer of all time.

Beethoven's body of musical compositions stands with William Shakespeare's plays as a consequence the outer limits of oneself brilliance.

And the fact Composer composed his most beautiful last extraordinary music while deaf review an almost superhuman feat methodical creative genius, perhaps only paralleled in the history of cultured achievement by John Milton penmanship Paradise Lost while blind.

Summing up his life and impending death during his last generation, Beethoven, who was never orang-utan eloquent with words as good taste was with music, borrowed efficient tagline that concluded many Indweller plays at the time. Plaudite, amici, comoedia finita est, flair said. "Applaud friends, the chaffing is over."

Quick Facts

FULL NAME: Ludwig van Beethoven
BORN: December 1770
BIRTHPLACE: Bonn, Germany
DIED: March 26, 1827
DEATHPLACE: Vienna, Austria

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